
The Biden Campaign’s Strategy Keeps Getting More Desperate

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

On Monday, social media went into hysterics after a video that one of Trump's social media accounts reposted showed images of fake newspaper headlines referring to his 2024 election victory. 

If you haven't seen the video, here it is:

The video predicts "what happens after Donald Trump wins," featuring a narrator reading hypothetical headlines such as "Economy Booms!" "Border is closed," and "15 Million Illegal Aliens Deported": the usual stuff you'd expect from a pro-Trump video. 

So what's the big deal with it? If you aren't already aware of what the big stink is about, you likely didn't see anything objectionable, but what caused keyboard activists and the Biden campaign to take issue with the video was that, unbeknownst to the campaign, the newspaper templates used in the video were in the style of World War I-era newspapers. One particular minor headline that is barely noticeable unless you're actually looking for it referenced to the "creation of a unified Reich."

The Trump campaign isn’t directly responsible for the ad, as it lacks the standard FEC disclaimers, but that didn’t stop the media or the Biden campaign from pretending that it was a confession by Trump of his desire for a dictatorship.

Naturally, the Biden-Harris campaign, which doesn't have anything to run on, pounced on the video, falsely claiming that it says Trump will create a "unified Reich" in his second term.

“It is abhorrent, sickening, and disgraceful for anyone to promote content associated with Germany’s Nazi government under Adolf Hitler,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement via CNN.

If that weren't ridiculous enough, Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer insisted that Trump is “not playing games; he is telling America exactly what he intends to do if he regains power: rule as a dictator over a ‘unified reich.’”

Not surprisingly, the media chose not to explain that the video is based off of a template that anyone can download and modify the headlines of:

You can download the template here if you'd like.

Naturally, the same people who claim to be outraged over a stock template were curiously unperturbed by Joe Biden's Hitler-esque anti-MAGA speech back in September 2022.

You remember the speech.

It's hard to forget the image of Biden as he stood before Independence Hall in Philadelphia, which was ominously lit in blood-red and flanked by Marines. The imagery and rhetoric were eerily reminiscent of Hitler’s rhetoric against the Jews of Europe. Biden labeled pro-Trump Republicans as a “clear and present danger” to American democracy, insisting that they must be stopped.

The speech and the set up were so horrifying, that even some CNN commentators admitted that the speech was inappropriate.

What made the speech particularly frightening was that a month prior, Biden raided Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, and mere days before the speech, Biden seemingly threatened millions of Republican voters with military weapons. “For those brave right-wing Americans, if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.” 

But hey, let's all get worked up over a stock template.

Who really sounds and acts like a dictator? Objectively, it's Biden. But the media and the Biden campaign want to scare the public about Trump, just like they've been trying to for more than eight years now. It's what you do when you don't have a record to run on.


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