
Can the Left Stop Pretending Biden Is Well?

Townhall Media

Watching the left deflect criticism of their president is a spectacle in itself, akin to an adult version of "I Know You Are, But What Am I?" Regardless of the nature of the criticism, their go-to strategy seems to be firing back with the same accusation. For example, when polls show that Americans think the Biden economy is terrible, the left counters with claims that the Trump economy was even worse. Similarly, amid the criticism over the Biden administration’s border crisis, they accuse Republicans of getting in the way of border security funding. Nice try.

Perhaps the most amusing twist is their response to concerns about Biden's physical and mental health. Going to extraordinary lengths, they paint Joe Biden as a vigorous workhorse who exhausts his much younger aides. I guess we’re supposed to forget that he’s spent 40% of presidency on vacation? 

Adding insult to injury, they attempt to propagate the idea that it's Trump, not Biden, who appears both physically and mentally weak. Look, you can disagree with his policies and even his demeanor if you want, but it’s the epitome of absurdity for Biden boosters to insist that Trump, not Biden, is the one showing signs of aging, frailty, and mental decline. I’ve seen some innocuous clips shared on social media purporting to show Trump being confused, mumbling, or some other problem widely associated with Joe Biden.

It would be funny if it weren’t so sad just how hard they are trying to flip the script... and failing. There are countless Democrat insiders who are sounding the alarm about Biden and the liability his advanced age and physical and mental frailties present to the Democratic ticket this year. With no pandemic to force Biden to campaign safely from the confines of his basement, he really can’t hide—as Van Jones of CNN wishes he would do.

The fact is that Biden’s physical and cognitive decline are huge problems for him and his campaign, and they’re not going to get any better. And this past week was particularly bad for him.

At a "Restore Roe" rally in Virginia last week, he declared, "We’ll teach Donald Trump a valuable lesson: Don’t mess with the women of America unless you want to get the benefit."

And that’s the sanitized, unmumbled version of what he said.

On Thursday, he was in Wisconsin and descended into a bout of incoherence as he attempted to tout the economy. "The beer brewed here, heh heh, it is used to make the b- brewed beer in this defile — Oooh, Earth Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes, I wonder what…”  

On Saturday, he appeared to suggest that his son, Beau Biden, had fought and died in the Battle of Belleau Wood in 1918—roughly 24 years before Joe Biden was even born, which is even worse than when he’s claimed that Beau died in Iraq.

On Sunday, he referred to Donald Trump as the “sitting president.” As much as most people would love for that to be true, it’s quite disturbing that Joe Biden doesn’t know that he is the sitting president, not Trump.

There are plenty more examples from this past week alone. The point here is that the left can't do anything about Biden's physical and cognitive deficiencies. We can see them as clear as day, and pretending that Trump is worse won't work. It just won't. 


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