New Emails Prove Hunter Biden Was Selling Access to His Father

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Joe Biden and his deputy chief of staff held a meeting with three business associates of Hunter Biden, one of whom was a foreign national, at the White House during the summer of 2011 when Biden was serving as vice president. This information was obtained through a review of emails and White House visitor logs by Fox News Digital.


During a July 2011 meeting, Hunter was reportedly attempting to negotiate a deal worth billions of dollars with these associates, one of whom was likely a foreign national, with then-Vice President Joe Biden and his deputy chief of staff Alan Hoffman. The individuals present were energy executive David Gamperl and two relatively unknown businessmen named Xi Wang and Andre Lasserre. The meeting was arranged after the trio had previously pitched a lucrative Brazilian bond deal to Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden. Two intermediaries, including Sean Conlon — who would later become the co-host of CNBC’s “The Deed” and the founder of Conlon & Co. — facilitated the meeting with the aim of helping Conlon and Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca investment firm “get more bonds to move.”

On June 22, 2011, Gamperl emailed Conlon about the “substantial profit” being offered by Nagi Ghawi, president of the now-defunct Mercantile Investment Group of the West Indies. Conlon later forwarded the email to Hunter Biden, insisting “We need to put our heads together on this.”

On the same day, Ghawi proposed a meeting with either then-Vice President  Joe Biden or his chief of staff, “ASAP.” In another email forwarded to Hunter Biden by Conlon, Ghawi confirmed his acceptance of a letter of engagement “based on 7% fees + 3% fees as a bonus if the first structured instrument (LTN) is executed within 60 days.” The deal would cover all intermediary fees, with any other fees to be deducted from that amount.


In a reply to Conlon, Hunter said, “Ok- what do we need to do moving forward?”

“I will discuss,” Conlon explained. “I got letter. I need email about event and a promise about meeting next week,” adding later that the stipulation was an agreement for the vice president to “formally meet” with “these guys.”

“So we have engagement letter if they get other 10 bonds they have a face value of 10b,” Conlon wrote on June 23, 2011. “While it is far fetched Devon [Archer] said he talked to his professor and these get traded. We get 10% in fees. We need to get these guys to an event or something where they get to just formally meet your Dad. For follow on they can talk to Chief of Staff. Let me know how soon we can do that. V[ery] brief. If Nagi gets that done we get more bonds to move.”

Related: Nothing to See Here: Blinken Used Private Email Address to Keep in Touch with Hunter Biden

There is substantial evidence to support the claim that Joe Biden had knowledge of his son’s business dealings, despite his repeated denials. During his time as vice president, Biden met with over a dozen of his son’s business associates, contradicting his repeated denials of having any knowledge of Hunter’s business activities.


“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden told Peter Doocy in 2019. “You should be looking at Trump. Trump’s doing this because he knows I’ll beat him like a drum. … Everybody’s looked at it and said there’s nothing there. Ask the right question.”



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