It Looks Like Harvard Identifies as a Garbage School Now

(AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

Harvard University is a garbage school now.

There was a time when Harvard was committed to academic excellence, but those days are over.

If you know anyone who went to Harvard, there’s a good chance they brag about it in all sorts of ways. But really, is a Harvard education worth anything anymore, or is it only an elite school by reputation now?


Consider the evidence. According to a report from The College Fix, Harvard Medical School students are now being offered a course on providing healthcare to LGBTQIA+ infants.

Yes, I said infants. Med students who take the course “Caring for Patients with Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities, and Sex Development,” can expect to gain experience with “patients [who] identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, or asexual,” and according to the course description, “Clinical exposure and education will focus on serving gender and sexual minority people across the lifespan, from infants to older adults.”

Course directors Alex Keuroghlian and Alberto Puig are both employed at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Keuroghlian is also an LGBT activist and a psychiatrist at the Harvard-affiliated Fenway Health Center. According to the College Fix, Keuroghlian has written dubious research that purports to show that transgender drugs and surgeries can help people’s mental health. He has been an outspoken critic of government restrictions on so-called gender-affirming care.

However, a recent study found that so-called “gender-affirming care” for children has no medical benefits, and experts worldwide agree that there is no medical evidence for “gender identity.”


Several countries, including the United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, and France, have all dialed back on pushing transgender “treatments” for children because they have begun to recognize the harm they do to kids. But the Biden administration has gone all in on pushing the transing of kids — including pushing for taxpayer dollars to fund these so-called “treatments.”

“Harvard medical students should be taught the basic scientific truth that a man cannot become a woman, or vice versa,” Nathanael Blake, an ethicist at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, told The Fix via email. “Those experiencing psychological distress regarding their biological sex need to be treated with compassion, which does not mean subjecting them to dangerous chemical and surgical treatments to mold them into a facsimile of the opposite sex.”

Blake also disputes the notion that there is medical consensus in favor of transitioning, particularly for children.

“The research is plagued by a multitude of methodological problems, including small sample sizes, short timeframes, losing subjects during follow-up, and reliance on self-evaluation,” he said. “This is why nations such as Sweden and Britain have recently pulled back on chemically and surgically transitioning children.”

Last year, an insider at a major northeastern children’s hospital told PJ Media how the medical profession is ignoring the link between transgender treatments and suicide. According to this insider, at the beginning of their career in healthcare at a pediatric medical center, the Emergency Department would expect a handful of mental health crises a week, but by the time of their departure, “30 of our 60 beds would be constantly and consistently full with actively suicidal youths.”


“There was a common thread running between all these tragic cases,” the insider explained. “Right below the bright red alert denoting the patient was on suicide precautions would be another alert telling us healthcare workers to call the patient something other than the legal name listed in their medical chart and what pronouns we were allowed to use when referencing a patient.”

Anyone who went to Harvard ought to be embarrassed at what’s happened to this once stellar institution of higher learning.


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