UPenn Nominates Male Athlete Lia Thomas as NCAA ‘Woman of the Year'

AP Photo/John Bazemore

Lia Thomas made headlines this past year for crushing his competition in NCAA women’s swimming. After years of being a mediocre swimmer on the men’s team, Thomas identified as transgender, transitioned, and then started crushing records against his female teammates and tournament competitors. His competing on the women’s team sparked significant controversy. Yet his alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, has decided to afford him an opportunity for one final insult by nominating him for the 2022 NCAA Woman of the Year Award.


“Established in 1991, the award recognizes female student-athletes who have exhausted their eligibility and distinguished themselves in their community, in athletics and in academics throughout their college careers,” the NCAA explains. “As 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the NCAA Woman of the Year program is an important opportunity to honor and reflect on the impact of women on intercollegiate sports.”

Related: The Stand Against Transgender Insanity Is One We All Must Take

According to the New York Daily News, each eligible school “can submit the names of up to two female student-athletes,” which means Thomas has already robbed one woman of the opportunity for the honor. Next, the selection committee will “then select 10 athletes from each division to determine the top 30 honorees.”

Jennifer C. Braceras, director of the Independent Women’s Law Center and the Independent Women’s Forum, blasted UPenn for nominating Thomas. “UPenn has a LOT of great female athletes,” she tweeted. “But the university CHOSE to nominate #LiaThomas for NCAA female athlete of the year. Shame on Penn, depriving a woman of this honor.”


Sadly, I believe it’s inevitable that Thomas will make the final cut.


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