Biden Has Given $1 Billion to Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

The Taliban quickly took over Afghanistan as Joe Biden rushed U.S. forces out of the country in time for a 9/11 photo op. But just because the terror group is now in control, doesn’t mean the Biden administration has stopped pouring American taxpayers’ treasure into Afghanistan.


According to Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, Joe Biden “has dispatched $1 billion of American taxpayer money to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan” in the six months following America’s botched withdrawal.

“At an aid conference hosted by the UN, the UK, Germany and the Islamic terror state of Qatar, which backs the Taliban, $2.4 billion was raised for Afghanistan,” Greenfield explains. “The hosts had demanded over $4.4 billion, which would have been the largest amount ever raised for any nation.”

The Biden administration contributed another $204 million, which was on top of $782 million in “humanitarian aid” already given to Afghanistan last year after the Taliban took control of the country. “This year, Biden signed an executive order allocating $3.5 billion of the Afghan assets held in the Federal Reserve for the same purpose. But even not counting those funds, Biden has dedicated $986 million to Afghanistan since the Taliban took over.”


Greenfield dismisses the Biden administration’s claims that this money won’t go to the Taliban. “That’s as plausible as its previous claims that the Afghan government wouldn’t collapse, that if it did we would be ready, and that all Americans would be evacuated before Kabul fell to the enemy.”

Related: The Price of Incompetence: State Department Says ‘Dozens’ of Americans Still Stuck in Afghanistan

America has poured a lot of money into Afghanistan over the past twenty years, and the Taliban has managed to get their hands on quite a bit of it. But can anyone explain why our tax dollars are still being sent over there, when we know they will ultimately go toward funding jihad against us?


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