FACEPALM: AOC Calls Herself a 'Planned Parenthood Baby'

Democratic National Convention via AP

During a House committee meeting conducted via Zoom on Thursday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) went on a crazy rant, during which she claimed that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, saves lives.


“I don’t want to hear a single person on this committee or outside of this committee talk about, what about, valuing life when they continue to uphold the death penalty, when they continue to support policies that disproportionately incarcerate and lead to the deaths of black men and people throughout this country, and uphold an absolutely unjust medical system that exists for profit, that allows people to die because they can’t afford to live,” she said. “In addition to that, if we want to talk about Planned Parenthood, let’s talk about how many lives Planned Parenthood has saved and how many babies have been born because of the prenatal care provided by Planned Parenthood.”

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“And if you don’t believe it,” she continued, “and if you’ve never met a Planned Parenthood baby, I’m happy to let you know that I am one, and that my mother received and relied on prenatal care from Planned Parenthood when she was pregnant with me. And so if we’re concerned about life, we don’t get to talk about anyone else who’s not concerned about the full spectrum of that when we are upholding policies that kill people.”


Planned Parenthood performed 354,871 abortions between October 1, 2018, and September 30, 2019—a 15-year high, according to the Susan B. Anthony List. Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist who sided with racists.

“Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion, not health care,” SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said earlier this year. “At a time when U.S. abortions overall have long been on the decline, Planned Parenthood is ending the lives of more than 354,000 unborn children a year.”


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