Obama’s first attorney general, Eric Holder, has spoken out about the recent developments in the Roger Stone case.
“Do not underestimate the danger of this situation,” Holder tweeted. “The political appointees in the DOJ are involving themselves in an inappropriate way in cases involving political allies of the President. This affects the rule of law and respect for it. Unprecedented.”
Unprecedented? It’s absurd the way Eric Holder likes to pretend that the Justice Department wasn’t politicized and weaponized from day one on his watch. As I pointed out earlier, during the Obama administration, the Justice Department repeatedly protected allies of Barack Obama, including Holder himself.
Ari Melber, the chief legal correspondent at MSNBC, also reports that Holder called the Stone situation “aberrant and inconsistent with a Justice Department acting in a traditional, non-political way.” That’s rich. “It disrespects the career prosecutors whom I greatly respect,” he added. “Actions such as these put at risk the perceived – and real- neutral enforcement of our laws & ultimately endanger the fabric of our democracy,” Holder continued.
“I think when people look at the Justice Department and think that it’s in some ways politicized, that has a negative long-term impact on the department,” Holder said back in October. He’s right. Eight years of politicization of the Justice Department under Obama/Holder/Lynch was capped off with the unprecedented abuse of the FISA process in order to get a warrant to spy on a presidential candidate from the opposing party. You don’t get more politicized than that.
Matt Margolis is the author of Trumping Obama: How President Trump Saved Us From Barack Obama’s Legacy and the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis
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