PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—April 7


You know what they say about April showers? We are experiencing the full force of showers tonight! But, there’s something like the smell of rain to seal the end of winter and usher us into spring. Let’s just hope we don’t get snow this weekend!



I’m always looking for less expensive ways to get into shape than buying and maintaining a gym membership!

All you’ll need for this workout is a deck of cards. There are also smartphone apps for deck of cards workouts you can download if you want to take this to the gym. Shuffle the deck and you’ll flip one card over at a time until you’ve gone through the entire deck. Each suit corresponds to a different exercise and the number of the cards tells you how many reps to do.”

Pumps and Iron is a great site for inspiration to get healthy (and have fun doing it)!


I love the reminder to stay in love with your spouse.  To remember the good times, and the challenges and chronicle what you’ve come through.

You’re not the same man I met either.  No longer are you living for yourself — your life revolves around your family. You continue to grow and mature, and I’m honored to be with you on this journey.

You are our rock and I know you will keep our family safe through anything life throws our way. We will never be the people we once were. Our faces will only gain more wrinkles. Our hair will only turn more gray.

We might find a little more energy when the kids are grown, but undoubtably we will have gone through some #%^$ before we get there!”

Follow the Soccer Mom for a dose of daily joy.


In our family, we use a lot of words, but somehow when I ask my kids about AWANA, or about school, they are suddenly speechless!  I don’t get it!  I’m thinking about using these questions and keeping a journal of the answers over the next year and seeing how our conversations grow.  Talk about preparing your kids for the teenage years!


“We get it, getting your kids to open up about their feelings is downright impossible sometimes. So ask them something specific, and maybe in a way that gives them permission to air some grievances, even if it’s grievances with you.”

Cool Mom Picks is a great resource for all things family.


I love to listen to podcasts while I’m in the kitchen. It’s a great excuse to have a mini me time while preparing dinner.  What podcasts do you enjoy?

A Cozy Kitchen is so much fun to get great ideas for your home!


How did you recharge this weekend?

Share your ideas with us in the comments section, on our Facebook page, or tag us on Instagram with our handle @PJ_Media. You can also tweet them to us on Twitter @PJ_Parenting.



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