The Morning Briefing: Counting 'Til They Turn Blue and Much, Much More

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., arrives to face reporters at a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Good Friday morning.

Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today:

  • The president participates in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act signing ceremony
  • President Trump presents the Medal of Freedom
  • The president meets with the administrator of the Small Business Administration

Count ’em til they turn blue…in the face

The counting continues in Florida and elsewhere. Most of the time, these recounts end up with the Democrats taking the lead. Go figure. Mimi Walters (R) of California just lost her seat in Orange County. Meanwhile, Mia Love (R) in Utah is gaining some ground, although she is still losing.

I don’t even know what is going on in Florida. It’s such a hot mess.


Rick Scott Campaign Announces That They Have Gained In Their Victory Margin After Recount

DeSantis holds lead over Gillum after recount

Florida Senate race heads to a hand recount

Missed it by *this* much

Broward County missed the deadline for its recount. What kind of idiots are running the Broward County voting system? YOU HAVE ONE JOB.

The top election official in Florida’s heavily Democratic Broward County said late Thursday that the county had uploaded the results of its recount two minutes after the state’s 3 p.m. deadline – making its machine recount tally void. Instead, the county’s results from last Tuesday’s election will stand until manual recount totals in the state’s closely contested Senate race come in Sunday at noon.

Could you do your job this incompetently and not be fired?!?!

“We uploaded to the state two minutes late so the state has chosen not to use our machine recount results,” Broward election official Joseph D’Alessandro said in the surprise announcement. “They are going to use our first unofficial results as our second unofficial results.”


New bratty millennial progressive congresspeople about to get a rude awakening

I don’t know if these sniveling, entitled brats think they are going to scoot into Congress and take power away from dusty antiques like Nanny Pelosi, but if you come at the queen, you better kill zer because you are going to end up on the House Toilet Paper Committee. That’s right, those old white people control who gets on the committees and you whippersnappers aren’t going to get squat. You aren’t going to get anything done or get your hyphenated name on any legislation. You will be controlled unless you get in line.

This is just hilarious:

A fight broke out in a closed-door meeting of House Democrats over climate change as a powerful veteran lawmaker fought with freshman star Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members-elect over the creation of a special panel for the issue.

New Jersey Rep. Frank Pallone, incoming chairman of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee — backed by a number of other committee members — slammed the creation of the new climate panel, according to multiple sources in the room. Pallone argued that his committee and other existing panels within the House could take on the issue aggressively.

But Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Rep.-elect Joe Neguse (Colo.) and some of the other progressive incoming lawmakers fought back, saying they ran on the issue and needed to do it. Ocasio-Cortez earlier this week pushed for a “Green New Deal” as she backed more than 200 young protesters at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office.


LOL. Yeah, good luck fighting the power structure. It’s so refreshing to watch this happen on the left after seeing it happen so many times on the right. Ten bucks Ocasio-Cortez ends up on the Ag. Committee. Her constituents would just love that.


The Congressional Black Caucus just dealt a swift blow to Democratic leadership

Dem lawmaker: ‘There’s plenty of competent females’ that can be Speaker instead of Pelosi

Your daily WTF:

Connecticut hotel owner with ‘sex dungeon’ arrested after attempting to buy girl, officials say

Historical picture of the day:

President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher stand together at the White House on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1988 in Washington during the official greeting ceremony for Thatcher. (AP Photo/Doug Mills)

Other morsels:

US court filing hints at charges for WikiLeaks founder

Uh-oh Chicago pastor asks man in drag to leave church and ‘put on man clothes’: report

This woman is awful After Winning Election, Democrat Ilhan Omar Now Says She ‘Supports BDS Movement’

Tally of missing in California’s deadliest blaze surpasses 600

Avenatti ‘still considering’ presidential run despite domestic violence arrest

Why is the KKK always in the news now? A student dressed up as a KKK member for class presentation — and the teacher got suspended

Trump issues a warning to Antifa protesters, saying the backlash could be violent

Shaun King’s PAC Paid Two Consulting Firms $600K. Here’s Who’s Behind Them


Mark Zuckerberg Reportedly Orders Employees To Only Use Android Phones After Tim Cook Went After Facebook

Acting AG Whitaker signals Mueller probe will continue

N.J. Couple and Homeless Man Allegedly Made Up Heartwarming Story That Sparked Viral GoFundMe Campaign

Pro-Trump company selling Lego-like “Build the Wall” toy ahead of Christmas

North Korea: We’re going to deport an American we detained a month ago

Khmer Rouge leaders found guilty of genocide in landmark ruling

Garbage person Officer in Parkland shooting fights subpoena and refuses to testify

Judge rules Mueller can proceed with case against Russian firm linked to alleged troll farm

President Trump will visit California to meet wildfire victims

Roy Clark, ‘Hee Haw’ host, dies at 85

And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!


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