Police Towers and Brick Pallets in Springfield, Ohio

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The little town of Springfield, Ohio, is certainly not the town I remember from my youth. It has been transformed into not just a hotspot for the issues of immigration and a governmental autocracy but a national symbol for such things. It has become a lightning rod and a case study for the core issues of the upcoming election, and the Left, as per its usual modus operandi, has carefully avoided the crisis there to fan the flames of anti-conservative animus. It is a safe bet to say that the influence and connections of those who wish to consolidate and increase Progressive power are deep and diverse. Which makes this social media post from a Springfield resident concerning.


I would like to believe that the tower was erected out of genuine concern for public safety and not as a show of power, and perhaps it was. A town the size of Springfield is ill-equipped for the events currently keeping it in the national eye. I would also like to believe that the pallets of bricks outside of the Heritage Center, which, as the person in the video mentioned, is the site for a rally on September 28, are part of a new municipal building project.  However, this is not the first time pallets of bricks have shown up adjacent to a public demonstration. The fact that a citizen would find it suspicious is entirely understandable. It is, after all, the world in which we live.

Furthermore, it sickens me that in 21st-century America, the idea that intimidation, violence, and even assassination attempts are becoming de rigueur is nauseating to me. Let alone the fact that such things are celebrated and encouraged overtly and covertly by the Left. The fact that there is even the possibility of drawing the conclusion that violence is planned for Springfield is revolting. Believe it or not, it was not that long ago that such an idea would not have occurred to anyone.


Granted, naming your rally the "P****d Off Americans March" is a bit inflammatory. Be that as it may, if the attendees engage in a peaceful demonstration, they should be free to exercise their First Amendment rights, no matter how distasteful the cultural and political elite may find their ideas. 

Of course, those members of the elite would like to do more than blanch at the notion that an everyday American has the audacity to speak out against the mandated narrative. As Ben recently pointed out, Hillary Clinton believes that there should be deterrents to keep people from voicing ideas that her regime deems unacceptable. And we all know what kinds of people fear ideas. 

It would be a mistake to think that the comments, insinuations, and threats from the Left are the rantings of a political party that is hyperventilating because it knows its time is short and is living in terror of a Trump win in November. The Left has no intention of letting this election slip through its fingers. The Progressives would sooner see the world stop turning on its axis, the tectonic plates collide, and the utter destruction of civilization than concede a GOP win. What concerns me is that what we are not seeing is a panic but a preview.



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