Weekend Parting Shot: Sympathy for the Dullard

Photo by Victoria Will/Invision/AP

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers,

I hope this missive finds you well. The West is trapped under a heat dome. While climate alarmists may be quick to point to Utah's 100+ degree temperatures as signs of the Apocalypse, it's July in one of the most arid states in the Union. So yeah, you're gonna get some scorchers before monsoon season. I thought this might absolve me of yardwork duties, but alas, it just means I have to get the yardwork done before 8 a.m. A man just can't catch a break. 


I can't get no satisfaction. I can't get no brain reaction.

Mick Jagger is on tour. I did not know he could still tour. Isn't he well past his time to host Karaoke Night at The Villages? I guess Jagger and Keith Richards are slugging it out for the title of "Last Stone Standing." My money is on Richards. That guy has consumed enough product over the years that he is going to outlast the mummies of most Egyptian pharaohs.

Anyhoo, Jagger's tour took him through Vancouver, Canada, and during his show, he stopped to sing the praises of Justin Trudeau. The reaction was about what one would expect.

What the video doesn't cover is Jagger's quick pivot to sports by saying, “By the way, congratulations on the Canadian soccer team getting to the semi-finals!”

I'm not sure Jagger is smiling. His expression looks more like complete incredulity to me. Maybe he was trying to be edgy and snarky, but I doubt it. There is a moment in the video in which he looks genuinely flummoxed, his mouth agape in complete amazement. It is almost as if he is surprised to discover that ordinary people do not have the same worldviews as insanely rich celebrities. He seems to be thinking, "Wait, doesn't everyone have a Lear jet?"


Breitbart had a roundup of some of the comments from X users:

Mick did some big backpedaling.

 lol he hasn’t been paying attention.

 Mick Jagger has no clue how unpopular Trudeau is. 

 He’s not from here. He didn’t know how to read the room. Good pivot, though. The change of topic from politics to sport is priceless.

 I think it’s time for Jagger to stop commenting on any political subject, completely.

 Poor Mick has no clue. Liberal elite.


 Almost all celebrities are globalist. In time, more and more caring less about them.

Yesterday, I wrote a VIP piece about the "Clooney class," people so wealthy and disconnected that they could not possibly fathom the trials faced by the rest of the world. Clearly, the "street fighting man" has come a long way from the street — all the way out into left field. Richards was obviously the brains of the outfit.

A word of thanks

A big "thank you" to everyone who joined us last night on the Live Blog. We appreciate all of our readers, and it was fun for us to be able to comment off-the-cuff, crack wise, and commiserate!

Wine recommendation

Last night's presser was only slightly more successful than the debate but not nearly as entertaining; however, Darth Biden, Sith Lord of Scranton, did make an appearance toward the end. The bad news is that the Dems may figure out a way to drag his desiccated carcass across the finish line. But the good news is at least Utah will finally be rid of Discount Gavin Newsom. You have to take your victories where you can.  


So it is summer, and that calls for a refreshing white wine. In this case, how about the 2022 Joel Gott California Sauvignon Blanc?

Put this in the fridge for 15-30 minutes (depending on your preference), and you will have a nice, refreshing wine on a hot summer evening. Although I have a preference for dry whites, this wine leans more toward the sweeter side, and it strikes a nice balance. There is just enough acidity and dryness to make it a satisfying Sauvignon Blanc, with enough sweetness to appeal to other palates. The dry aspect is definitely there, but that is nicely offset, making this a very balanced wine.

Dear Lord, that sounds snooty, doesn't it? Well, I am a closet snob, after all. My spirit animal is Frasier Crane. But let's keep that between us. 

Expect some fruity notes to this wine, like melon, passion fruit, and a healthy dose of citrus.

This wine usually earns around 86 to 87 points, which is definitely respectable for a wine that retails for around $12 to $15. Most people will suggest pairing it with shellfish, but I suggest drinking it with a nice cheese tray on the back patio — which is what I did to recover from the latest Biden debacle last night.

That's it for me. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you next time.



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