
Woman Talks About Her Journey After a Trans Man Assaulted Her

AP Photo/Armando Franca

It can be tempting at times to opine from the safety of our screens that people who support progressive causes or who voted for Democrats are getting exactly what they deserve when things begin to go south in various progressive precincts. It is important to remember that there are names and stories behind it all, and some of those stories are tragic. It is also important to keep in mind that the Left-Wing Machine can be intimidating. 

At this point, we have all read the stories of men or boys competing in women's and girl's sports. Recently, Sens. John Kennedy (R-La.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) grilled judicial nominee Judge Sarah Netburn over her recommendation to house a male sex offender in a women's prison. 

Detransitioners who have summoned the courage to talk about their experiences are vilified or ignored. We have seen the aggressive elimination of women become public policy. And the women who object can face the vilest of threats and even attacks, among other things. This is why it is important that we hear the stories of people's struggles unvarnished and unexpurgated. 

Recently a Let Women Speak Rally USA rally took place in Tulsa, Okla. A woman named Kay stood up and told her story. I could paraphrase it for you, but I would rather let Kay tell you her story herself. By seeing her face and hearing her voice, one can better understand the impact of her rape at the hands of a trans man.

It takes a phenomenal amount of strength and courage to come forward with one's story of sexual assault, and it takes even more of both when the assailant is a member of a currently protected class. Kay explained that she had a live-and-let-live mentality although her assailant didn't afford her the same type of decency. 

The Daily Mail reported that dozens of women spoke at last week's rally. Many of them were furious over the Biden administration's revision of Title IX policies, which Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters has told the state's districts to ignore. The rally was peaceful, and one of Kay’s supporters wrote, “I'm afraid we may have hundreds, thousands of women and girls who've been assaulted or raped by such men and who don't dare talk about it.” 

The Daily Mail also noted:

The state passed a law in May 2022 that requires public school pupils to use restrooms according to the sex on their birth certificate. 

 But it was sued by Oklahoma mother Theresa Gooden who claims it was still not being enforced months later when her 15-year-old daughter was 'severely beaten' by a transgender schoolmate in the girls' bathroom at Edmond Memorial High School.

 Hundreds of trans activists occupied the state capitol last year in protest at a bill banning gender-confirming surgery for under 21s.

As you can see from the video, Kay was able to illustrate how the trans trend is yet another example of Oklahoma's abysmal record on women's rights. There has been story after story of men taking advantage of the trans label to make their personal fantasies into reality, even if it is at the expense of another person. 

It is true that there have been many straight men who have been guilty of violence against women, including sexual and non-sexual assault. That cannot be denied. However, by enshrining the trans agenda not only as political policy and social credibility but also as nothing short of a new religion, another threat to women's safety has been completely and conveniently ignored. 

To the Left, women's rights mean the ability to have an abortion. In truth, women have a right to their own identities, their own sports, and their own spaces. Moreover, they have a right to be safe from men who would do them harm. That includes men who want to convince the world that they are women. 


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