The Hypocrisy of 'Muh Democracy'

Townhall Media

Project much, MSM? 

As a part of its efforts to pull out all the stops to ensure that DJT never sees the inside of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ever again and that no one ever casts another conservative vote, the MSM is spreading the narrative that conservatives will do exactly what progressive have been doing with stunning alacrity. In this case, leftists are arresting and suppressing journalists and dissenters. This issue seems to be of particular concern to MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, who recently held forth on X:


This is not the first time Scarborough has wailed these alarmist blues:

As noted above, there are the incidents involving James Rosen and Catherine Herridge. While Herridge's ordeal may have been triggered by the top brass at the network, these events certainly did not originate there. At the start of the month, we told you about Blaze reporter Steve Baker's arraignment at the hands of the FBI for the act of covering the J6 riots. And we should never forget pro-lifer Mark Houck, who was arrested while his family terrorized at gunpoint over a matter that had been settled in a civil court.

It helps to understand that the progressive mindset, while not complicated, is messy. It has to be to sustain its level of rage and to effect the usual knee-jerk responses to current events with such mouth-foaming and inflammatory rhetoric. You will be able to cope with your neighbor who has the "In this House We Believe" signs without losing your mind if you accept the fact that there is a swarm of anger, propaganda, and emotion swirling around in his/her/zi head.  

For one, Scarborough and his colleagues honestly believe that given half a chance, conservatives would start kicking down doors and hauling people away in handcuffs for holding a differing opinion. They have been repeating the "totalitarian" stereotype to one another on their media, their comments sections, playgroups, school rooms, corporate retreats, and Halloween parties for so long that it has been embedded in their brain cells. Paranoid rantings over conservatives are practically autonomic responses for them.


Second, as shown above, they believe that conservatives would begin a media purge because that is what progressives have done. Progressives naturally contend that everyone is subject to the same pathology that governs their lives. They use the heavy hands of government and corporations to suppress people and ideas. Therefore everyone else must be programmed to do the same.

The Left also realizes that in the highly unlikely event that some level of sanity is ever restored to the nation, it might be properly held accountable for its actions. Deep in the backs of leftists' minds, there lurks a tiny bit of gray matter that reminds them that they have been dishonest and have violated the tenets of their ideals, ostensibly to save them. A conscience can be seared and even suppressed but not entirely ignored. At best, it can be shoved back into the recesses of the soul until that feeling of dread passes. 

Finally, there is the hypocrisy. Even if their policies are destructive and divisive, progressives believe that the end result will be a net positive. So persecuting the prosecuting dissenters is good, even if it violates constitutional or even human rights. Ignoring riots and protecting censorship, lies, and corruption on their side is justifiable. Why else would CNN refuse to air an ad critical of Joe Biden's border policies and shameful SOTU appearance in connection with the murder of Laken Riley?

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