Prince William and the End of the World

(AP Photo/Michel Spingler)

As if Prince Harry was not insufferable enough.

Prince William is apparently in a snit. His Royal-Whatever-He-Is is miffed. According to Fox News, the heir (not the spare) is pouting because the peasants of the world are taking too long to get on board with whatever climate change policy he favors. From Fox News:


While Prince William’s ambitious environmental program aims to find new ideas and technologies around the world to tackle climate change and Earth’s most pressing challenges, the royal admitted he’s growing “impatient” waiting for the momentum to move quicker.

Easy for him to say. Prince William doesn’t have to live on a budget. He doesn’t have to worry about buying groceries or keeping the lights on. His medical care will never be threatened. His transportation and housing are taken care of. Prince William has someone to peel his grapes, ice his drinks, and, for all we know, zip his fly for him when he gets dressed in the morning. All he has to do is whine and pontificate until the International Society for Who Gives A F**k presents him with a lifetime achievement award for inhaling, exhaling, and being outraged.

Never mind the average American who has to put their prescription on a credit card because their savings are gone and the checking account is empty, or even the third-world farmer who is denied the right to grow a crop on a plot of land his family has cultivated for generations. Those people do not exist for William except in the occasional photo op. Otherwise, to hell with them. They can suffer for their conscience. Prince William will never know life on the edge. He will never have to get up at 4:00 in the morning with the flu and try to coax a dying car to start since missing any hours of work means he will not make rent that month. I’ve been there. More than a few of you have probably been there too. Prince William’s issue is that he is as ignorant of the world around him as a lead fishing weight is to water. However, his crime is that he does not care.


And so that is where we find ourselves in the 21st century. We are faced with people who are either ignorant or merely selfish and wish to remake the world in order to achieve some version of greatness or out of sheer hubris and greed. They do not act alone. They have plenty of supporters among the world’s rank-and-file who vainly hope they will be invited to the Afterparty in Aspen. Or who have simply been conditioned to hate anything that even remotely hints at straight, white males, Christianity, or conservatism. Like Pavlov’s dogs, these people have been conditioned to launch themselves into a frenzy at the mere sight of a red MAGA hat. Besides, the progressives promise more than free goodies. They promise the chance to act out one’s basest desires without consequences.

You may have heard that there is a trainload of illegal immigrants streaming toward the U.S. because countries that cannot or will not care for themselves or their people are eager to jettison their populace to the United States. And those on the train feel entitled to your largesse. Also, in case you missed it, Lauren Boebert is officially the Pervert of the Month, whereas Susanna Gibson is a noble victim who has been targeted by evil Republicans. Tim Ballard is in the news again, facing accusations of sexual misbehavior. I met the man once for maybe all of six minutes, and I know nothing about him personally and cannot comment on his life choices. But I do know that the Left has gleefully availed itself time and again of attacks on Ballard and human trafficking since “Sound of Freedom” was released. What was it about this film that set the Left’s teeth on edge and sent even their lowliest journalistic imps and goblins to their miserable presses to criticize it? Surely, no matter our politics, we can all agree that trafficking children for sex is bad, right?



I guess not.

The rioters during the Summer of Floyd enjoy cash rewards. Anyone who happened to amble into the Capitol on January 6 faces serious time behind bars, whatever the extenuating circumstances may be. Trump, no matter what one may think of him, faces one court case after another. But the nation’s law enforcement officers engage in no end of gymnastics to protect Hunter and the Big Guy. And probably themselves. On Wednesday, I wrote about an Illinois family murdered in their home. The victims included a man, a woman, two children, and even three dogs. If this was not a cartel hit, it was a gang hit. It is not as if the dogs would have turned state’s evidence.

Related: Prince Harry Wants to Have It Both Ways

And I can hear the progressives now. “Oh, you only care about the white suburbs.” Well, yes, I don’t think people in the suburbs should have to live in danger. I also don’t think that people in the urban centers, no matter their color, should live in danger, either. They shouldn’t have to see stores closed and not be able to visit a supermarket or get on a bus or subway because wealthy progressives have decided to live their truths and use the inner cities as their Petri dishes or venues for their political-sexual fantasies.

We are in bad shape, and the progressives have put the hammer down with their plan to fundamentally transform all of us. And this is not because they are scared of Trump. Like Prince William, they are tired of waiting. They want what they want, and they want it now. I tell you, it’s enough to make a guy want to go back to tech writing and pretend the world doesn’t exist.  There are some days I think, “I can’t read another headline. I don’t want to write about these things anymore.” I think it happens to every conservative columnist now and then. It likely happens to every conservative because we do not afford ourselves the luxury of selecting whatever reality is most appealing. We can’t watch the country and the world burn and say. “Who’s ready for s’mores?”


So what do we do? Well, for one thing, let’s be decent to each other. Some of you are die-hard Trump supporters. Some are for DeSantis, and there are a few for Haley and even Ramaswamy. But I think we can all come together on the idea that we cannot continue to allow progressives to continue to treat the nation as an OnlyFans personality. Glenn Beck is a Mormon. I am Orthodox. In terms of theology, we could hardly be further apart. And we probably disagree on plenty of other things. And someday, if the nation’s slide into Dante’s Ninth Circle is ever halted and reversed, maybe I’ll sit down with Beck over a steak dinner. He’ll buy because he’s richer than me, but we’ll finally have that argument over religion, history, and whatever else. But until then, Beck, me, and you all have a target on our backs. And until that target is gone, we can’t afford to hate one another. Let’s save the shin-kicking until we’re out of the woods and people like Prince William go back to presiding over grocery store openings, playing polo, or whatever the hell royals do.

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