MTG Ousted From the House Freedom Caucus

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Not too long after her dust-up with Lauren Boebert over who was going to introduce articles of impeachment against the Big Guy, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) was dismissed from the House Freedom Caucus. In fact, the Gentlewoman from Georgia received her walking papers on Thursday. However, The Daily Caller reports that the caucus actually voted to show Greene the door on June 30 but decided not to formalize the move until Greene had a chance to meet with caucus chairman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. No one was able to confirm if that meeting actually took place.


Depending on which source you access, Greene was given the gate for her support of Kevin McCarthy or for the issue with Boebert, during which Greene allegedly called Boebert a “little b***h” on the House floor. Greene was irked that instead of supporting her original articles of impeachment against Biden, Boebert had filed her own, which made use of some procedural resources Green had not accessed.

I suspect that it was a combination of both, with a healthy dose of other factors including Greene’s position on the debt ceiling. Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) told Politico that this was indeed the case. Neither the caucus nor Green’s office had issued a statement on the matter as of Thursday afternoon. Greene has made some, shall we say, “unique” statements in the past, in some cases via social media, and of course, she prepared for the last SOTU by carrying a white balloon through the halls and wearing a rather dramatic ensemble that looked like it had been pulled from the costume shop at Warner Brothers, circa 1939. So this may indeed have been a culmination of issues.

Oddly enough, Greene has portrayed herself as a maverick and a firebrand, which makes her support for McCarthy that much more intriguing. It raises the issue of whether or not Greene’s loyalties were conflicted, or if she struggled with the bigger picture, or if she has reached a point at which she sees her own star as the brightest in the firmament — hence her argument with Boebert.


Before anyone calls me a RINO or makes disparaging suggestions about my parentage or loyalty, I have been a steady conservative since the first days of the Obama administration, which was the impetus for my conversion. During my radio days, there was a cadre of Lefties who used to hit the bottle and then post on the local newspaper’s site. They referred to me as, “Shane Hannity” and “Lincoln Rushbaugh.” Once, they even said I was worse than Glenn Beck. Thankfully, a fan came to my aid and told me that while I was indeed worse than Glenn Beck, I was not as chubby. So I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.

And as an ex-cradle lefty, I can tell you this is nothing like the waning days of the Bush era. These people may be deranged, delusional, and evil, but they mean business. That combination of psychosis, real power, and pseudo-gravitas should not be taken likely. They have the money, the power, and the wherewithal to accomplish their goals or at least make life miserable for the rest of us in their attempts.

It is tempting to have the bugler sound the charge and rush into the fray. But for the foreseeable future, the GOP does not have the luxury of being as reckless and glib as the Democrats. It may be time for a come-to-Jesus meeting not just in the Freedom Caucus but among House Republicans as well, if nothing else to agree on what page they are on.


On the other hand, as I have opined before, the business of running a country was never meant to be quick or easy. It is supposed to be messy, complicated, and at times even cumbersome. It is theoretically what keeps power and check and the country free. No one needs cut-and-dried, copy+paste government. So while Greene’s ouster may be treated as an embarrassment by the MSM, it may also be a sign that, at least on the Republican side, someone is at least struggling find to some form of good governance. Keeping a Republic is neither easy nor painless, but it was never meant to be.


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