The NEA Is Providing Teachers With Sexually Explicit Materials

(Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay.)

What is it with the Left, children, and sex? I don’t mean that rhetorically. What is the issue? Are they just trying to make sure that kids are already firmly sexualized and radicalized by the time they reach their majority and are running companies, voting, and holding public office? Or is it a way to legitimize its preferences and inoculate itself from any public backlash?


I know that question has been posed multiple times on this and many other sites, but someone needs to simply ask the Left, “Why do you sexualize children?” Not, “Why should we recognize non-binary persons?” “What are your pronouns?” or even “What is a woman?” The Left should have to answer one simple question: “Why do you sexualize children?”

Christopher Rufo has the story of how the National Education Association has been working with an affiliate in Hilliard, Ohio, to add even more sex to a teacher’s day. Rufo notes that badges have been provided to district personnel, including teachers, and the badges have a QR code. Scanning the code takes one to the NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus website, which has links to information on a variety of sexual topics and techniques that I cannot in good conscience enumerate here. The actual contents of one link can be viewed at the bottom of Rufo’s piece and are designed to mimic a recipe you would find in an average cookbook. Read at your own risk.

ABC 6 in Columbus reached out to the district after some parents in Hilliard raised the alarm. Some teachers are wearing the badges, which are intended to send a message to LGBTQ+ students that the teacher in question is a safe person and the student is in a safe space. Ok, fine, but why the QR code? The district was mum while there were cameras on the scene, but Superintendent Dave Stewart later told the station that the QR code was on the back of the badges and was for adults only:


“The badges in question were provided to any teacher who requested one by the National Education Association (NEA) and Hilliard Education Association (HEA). The front of the badge that is visible when worn says “I’m Here.” The intent of the badge is a message of safety and inclusion for all students.

 The QR code on the back of the badge is not there to be shared with students; rather, it is provided to adults by the NEA should they be interested in learning more about LGTBQ+ issues and supporting LGBTQ+ students. Any teacher who chose to wear one of the badges clearly understood that the resources at the link were intended for adults, not students. The resources are provided for teachers’ personal growth and professional development. No teacher was ever required to wear one of the badges or access any of the resources linked to the QR code.”

Professional development. Right. Click through the graphic on Rufo’s article if you have the stomach for it. What profession are those tips supposed to develop?

Teachers were told that the information obtained through the site was not to be used in lesson plans and that any responses to the badge should be age-appropriate, and they were advised to cover the QR code. How is the district enforcing that given the number of teachers and students? Is it even trying? Or was the above statement a standard, boilerplate CYA clause? Whatever it is, it still does not answer the question of why the QR code needs to be within the boundaries of school property.


If the district felt that teachers and staff absolutely needed access to this kind of material, they should have sent the QR code to the employees’ homes where they could surf to their hearts’ content. Why would a teacher or education professional need to easily access these kinds of things on the job? Particularly when, as some parents have pointed out, the purpose of a school is to teach kids things like reading, math, and science.

There was a time when the discovery of these kinds of things in the possession of a school employee at work would have led to termination, an escort off the premises, and possibly, depending on the circumstances, a conversation with local law enforcement. Now, these links are in at least one school district, courtesy of the NEA. The question that remains is why.


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