Is Your Happy Place Adult Summer Camp—With a Red Solo Cup?

Many sleep-away summer camps have a lot in common. There’s a field day, there are theme parties, and usually a talent night. But hangover yoga? That’s where Camp Throwback differs from the rest. This awesome idea, developed by a woman who realized how much adults might enjoy reliving the camp days of their youth, combines all the fun parts of summer camp, with all the fun parts of being an adult.


Brittany Gibbons somehow knew that adults would want to escape the mundane, and sing drunken songs next to a campfire while toasting marshmallows. She knew that people just needed an escape that brought them back to the fun of their teens, without the teen angst that usually goes along with it. From

“So, it turns out that holding a red solo cup of whiskey at 10am on a Thursday is my happy place,” Gibbons recently posted on Facebook about her camp. “As is laying by a pool, dancing until 3am, wearing tube socks, making friendship bracelets and living with my 100 best friends for a week at a time.”

The camp, which is located in Clarksville, Ohio, sells out a year in advance. Every session has a capacity of 120 people. It’s a great place for people to go solo, or with a couple of friends.

“Making friends as a kid is hard,” says Gibbons. “Making friends as an adult is just as hard. Giving people another outlet to form genuine connections in a place that’s fun and chill and welcoming, it’s an important thing. Everyone who leaves Camp Throwback leaves with lifelong friends. We have campers who started as strangers who’ve gone on to attend every session, who’ve been in each other’s weddings, vacationed with their whole cabins, and even dated. Life is stressful. Camp is fun. What’s not to love about that?”


So next time you send your kids away for the week, you might consider packing your bags and going to camp yourself! But don’t forget, what happens at camp, stays at camp! You can learn more about Camp Throwback here.


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