Send in the Clowns! This Week's List of Democrat Gut Punches

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File

One thing I love about the communist dime museums running the Democratic Party is that you don't have to (metaphorically) punch them. If you hold your fist out, they'll gladly bang their tattooed faces against it, forcing a septum nose ring into their brain cavity, and then fall into a victimy heap of tears, all of which I find hilarious.


I thought nothing could beat the week that MSNBC fired Joy Reid and a menagerie of Operation Mockingbird liarheads, but wow, this week might be close.

The biggest commie clown of the week to pound his face against President Trump's unstoppable fist of liberty has to be Columbia's current antisemitic darling, the privileged Mahmoud Khalil.

Fast facts about Mahmoud Khalil

  • Khalil is from Syria but claims to be Palestinian.
  • He recently graduated from Columbia University.
  • He is was living in an apartment owned by Columbia but now resides in an immigration jail in Louisiana.
  • He "allegedly" started various violent protests against Jews on the Columbia campus.
  • He is an organizer for Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), which openly wants to end Western civilization (hey, that's us).
  • Khalil has some shadowy ties to the British embassy in Beirut.

FACT-O-RAMA! The wealthy American students partaking in Columbia's recent pogroms don't understand that the people for whom they are "protesting" will likely cut off their privileged heads if they do not "revert" to Islam.

Khalil also seems to have a lot of friends and a ton of money. The New York Police Department (NYPD) recently hauled away 98 of his closest Jew-hating lickspittles, all of whom were wearing identical t-shirts, out of New York City's Trump Tower after they convened to jump, jive, and wail for Khalil's freedom.


FACT-O-RAMA! On Jan. 1, 2025, Khalil organized a "Globalize the intifada" rally hours after an ISIS animal ran down and killed 15 people in New Orleans.

Khalil is also rumored to have 19 lawyers working to keep the budding terrorist from being deported back to the third-world feculence hole where he was born.

Khalil, who has a green card, and his Apple Dumpling Gang of lawyers are currently twisting in the wind as they try to pretend that their golden boy somehow enjoys all the Constitutional liberties afforded to natural-born Americans. Secretary of State Marco Rubio was happy to clown-slap some logic their way.

While Khalil enjoys the comforts afforded by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Jena, La., the left has its largely transgender army of ruffians doing battle with unarmed Tesla dealerships and charging stations, not to mention Christians.

With panties full of uncertainty and veins flowing with White Claw, two transamabobs heard the left-wing media's anti-Elon dog whistle and dutifully attacked two Tesla dealerships.


Nothing defines the Democratic Party better these days than domestic terrorists in eyeliner, so I wasn't surprised when a booger queen pulled a gat and aimed it at a street preacher who dared not deny science.

FACT-O-RAMA! State and federal law prohibits mentally ill people from owning a gun, and gender dysphoria, i.e. transgenderism, is considered a mental illness.

The Democrats rely on their unhinged Americans to conduct various forms of domestic violent radicalism, somehow missing the point that most people are repulsed by violence, especially when administered by a wacko who looks like Gary Busey in lipstick.

One of the most satisfying "Ls" of the week goes to the Democrats' perennial mental belly flop, Chuck Schumer.


After giving us the "We will never surrender" rah-rah nonsense for a few days, Cuck Schumer decided to bend a knee and sign the Republican's continuing resolution he swore he never would. He also doesn't seem to realize that calling patriots naughty names, like "deplorable" and "garbage," only emboldens us.

As a deplorable, garbage b*****d, I approve this message.

Related: 'Literally Hitler' Is Smoking the Dems, but They Still Go Full Speed Ahead Into Clown World

In addition to the embarrassing clownish antics you've just read, the far left also "swatted" a handful of right-wing media types, not to mention the "mostly peaceful protests" of other Tesla dealerships around the nation.

And the cherry on top of the Democrat crap-cake? I almost went with harridan Maxine Waters, who, despite the violence you've just read about, was eager to beclown herself and began screeching yet again that Trump is going to cause a civil war.


But the only thing better than Rosie O'Donnell announcing this week that she has moved to Ireland was watching Trump take a victory lap at her expense.

What have we learned?

We have learned that the Democrats remain joyless vermin and are about as popular as the huckleberry two-steps at a Diddy white party.

Are you tired of men in pigtails committing domestic terrorism for the communists currently running what's left of the Democratic Party? Are you sick of not-so-domestic terrorists like Mahmoud Khalil moving to our great nation with the intent of destroying it?

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