
A Tale of Two Patsies: Comparing the Investigations of the Two Trump Wanna-be Assassins

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

Is it just me or does it seem like the left wants to normalize assassination attempts on President Trump until they succeed?

The first — and terrifyingly close — attempt to kill Trump was on July 13 in Butler, Pa., when a smelly, pimply-faced incel came within millimeters of ending Trump's life and possibly altering the course of history.

The latest attempt wasn't nearly as close but is still alarming. An unhinged leftist wackjob walked into a Florida forest on the edge of one of Trump's three golf courses in the vicinity at around 2 a.m. and set up a sniper's nest.

QUESTION-O-RAMA! How did the shooter know Trump would play a round of golf that day, at that golf course? Or did he just go there and hope Trump showed up?

But the real skullduggery no one seems to be talking about is the differing investigations into the Schlemiel and Schlimazel would-be assassins — or perhaps it's the difference in what We the People are allowed to hear about the two cases. 

More than two months have passed since Thomas Crooks, 20, nearly ended Trump's life, and thus far we have learned very little about him.

FACT-O-RAMA! The FBI confirmed Thomas Crooks's identity the day he shot at Trump by using DNA. 

Media outlets usually use an older school photo of Crooks from years ago, smiling and wearing a patriotic shirt, possibly to lead us to believe he was a conservative, though photos of him at the rally show him with much longer hair.

FACT-O-RAMA! The media frequently uses old school photos to make monsters look human. 

News outlets posted contrasting stories about Crooks's neighbors — some said the Crooks family had Trump signs on their lawn (possibly a ploy to "prove" Crooks wasn't a Democrat), and others claimed this was untrue — but they said very little about Crooks himself.

On the other hand, in the two days since Ryan Routh was arrested, we have seen various social media posts of his, a book he wrote and self-published, and a ton of pictures, many of which make him look like the crazy train his neighbors claim he is. We know from cell phone data that Routh sat in the woods near the golf course for roughly 12 hours, waiting for Trump to arrive. We know he traveled to Ukraine to volunteer and fight but was denied. We know he had a website geared toward recruiting men to fight against the Russians. We saw a Biden-Harris sticker on Routh's car (though at least one "news" outlet suggested the sticker — and the numerous donations he made to Democrats — doesn't mean Routh was a leftist). The media released his lengthy rap sheet. 

We know a great deal about Routh, and it's been only two days since his failed attempt to kill Trump.

This is what CNN reported on Crooks in the 48 hours after he was killed by a counter-sniper team:

Yet nearly 48 hours after the shooting, investigators are struck by the lack of leads they’re finding about Crooks’ mindset and possible motives. Even after successfully breaking into his phone and searching his computer, scouring his search history and bedroom, and interviewing his family and friends, agents still haven’t found evidence that would suggest political or ideological impetus for the shooting, law enforcement sources told CNN.

"KDJ, what's your point?"

My point is that we have learned way more about Routh in the 48 hours since his assassination attempt than we knew about Crooks in the same amount of time after he took his shot. Correction: We have learned more about Routh's life and history in 48 hours than we have learned since Crooks was killed on July 13, two months ago.

JACK RUBY-O-RAMA? Trump's rally in Butler, Pa., was the first time the Secret Service provided a counter-sniper team. It's also the first time someone took a shot at Trump. How convenient there was a sniper team to take Crooks out after firing at Trump.

Related: FBI Foils Mass Shooting Plan to 'Rack Up a Lot of Jews'

Is it possible Routh is just another Democrat wacko with a rifle, like the animal who shot five Republicans in 2017, and the deep state is fine outing him in every way they can because they have no relationship with him? What better way to keep our minds off of Crooks than to ply us with every morsel of information on Routh?

Comparing the two investigations, it's almost like the deep state is keeping information about Crooks from the public.


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