Stand Up America! This Is What Will Happen if Kamala Harris Wins, Part 1: Free Speech Is Toast.

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The Operation Mockingbird mainstream media mudpuppies are working overtime to hide the fact that Kamala Harris, if "elected," will rule the United States like a tyrant and finish the job Barack Obama started to "fundamentally change" the United States of America.


I wrote "elected" because some of the most brilliant minds working in the world of honest news believe that the apparatchiks plan to lie for the next two months and pretend that Harris and Trump are "neck and neck" in the polls so they can steal another election, install Harris, and hand the United States over to the globalists looking to gut America and enslave We the People.

Let's open this article by watching the potential harridan-in-chief smile and brag about her power:

Now, let's talk about those "fundamental changes" we can look forward to if Kamala somehow wins.

Au revoir, free speech

Under the guise of "combatting hate speech," Harris will attack the First Amendment. You can expect X to be the first casualty. Listen as Kamala tells us her plans to use the Department of Justice (DOJ) to censor us and "hold social media platforms accountable" for what she deems hate speech.

Translation: Kamala intends to use the FBI to censor people who say things she doesn't want them to say and could potentially use the DOJ to send those people to prison. You know, like what we see happening all over the UK.


FACT-O-RAMA! What you are about to watch and read regarding the death of free speech in the UK is a harbinger of what could happen here in the U.S. if Kamala Harris wins.

Watch this gentleman in the UK speak about how he was told that his social media posts about trans insanity were "offensive" but did not break the law and that he would be arrested if he continued "not breaking the law" with his opinions. 

Yes, he was arrested.

This army veteran was arrested for "causing anxiety" after retweeting a meme. 

This man was arrested for "malicious communications" for a meme mocking transgender codswallop.

This woman was busted for "stirring up racial hatred" after complaining about the terrifying number of stabbings that "asylum seekers" commit against natural-born Brits.

PEDANTICS-O-RAMA! England exploded in violence after reports surfaced that an "asylum seeker" stabbed three British girls to death. It turns out the animal who killed the kids was born in England. His parents were Rwandan "asylum seekers" at one point. British media used this triviality to attack angry Brits as violent, racist "far-right wingers" for standing up to the attacks and have arrested over 1,000 people, including a 13-year-old girl who allegedly punched and kicked a hotel door where "asylum seekers" were living.


I am unsure if any of these Muslim blokes were arrested for beating the potato salad out of traffic cops.

But if the English police treat these guys pummeling their cops the same way they treated Muslim rapists, I can only assume that they are still on the streets.

The same police arresting natural-born Brits sat on their hands for roughly 18 years as Asian grooming gangs gang rapists, 85% of whom were Pakistani Muslims, raped up to a million English girls and women for fear of being called "racist" if they stopped the carnage.

Related: 20 Years and Thousands of Rapes Later, UK STILL Hasn’t Come to Grips With Its Grooming Gang Scandal

This is the work of the globalists looking to install the New World Order, just as the World Economic Forum (WEF) "predicted" years ago, which you will see in this video below. 

Please pay attention to the other "predictions" as some of them are already coming true, especially the part about "welcoming" the third world into Western nations—you know, because of "climate change."

What have we learned?

We've learned that Kamala Harris is a seething, power-starved communist and globalist stooge.


We've learned that the Constitution is under the gun, and if what we are seeing in the UK is an omen, free speech is likely to be the first to go.

"But KDJ," you're asking, "what's the end game?"

As my friend Robert Spencer pointed out in this article below, which I highly suggest you read, it is nothing less than a forewarning of what will happen here in the U.S.: global Muslim domination is the goal.

Related: A World-Historical Transformation Is Taking Place in Britain, Yet Few Have Noticed

As Robert points out, England now has roughly 3,000 mosques and 130 Sharia courts. Muslim studies are taught in every school.

Did I mention that, as Robert points out, a vast majority of England's Muslims don't work? They get paid by the nation to live in and conquer Jolly Olde England. If you think the stabbings and rapes are out of control now, wait until the takeover is complete.

What can you do to stop this insanity? Fight for free speech. You've been "tolerant" of the Democrats' insanity long enough. 

Muslim Marxists are once again rioting at American universities. Illegal immigrants are "allegedly" taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colo., and Chicago. You think your town and your home are safe? That's cute.

It's time to roll up your sleeves and get into the fight while you can.

Click HERE to join the patriots of the PJ Media VIP army and FIGHT BACK. I'm sure my wonderful editor will throw you a discount.


Hey, wonderful editor, do you have a discount for patriotic Americans who are fed up with tyrants?

[announcer voice] Why yes, we do. Use the code SAVEAMERICA for 50% off! [/announcer voice]

I wish I were kidding when I say the battle for our future is in the hands of We the People and not our military, but it's true.

So fight back while you can, my fellow American. England is our future. You owe it to your kids and grandchildren.


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