The Commies Are Now on Defense. Here's What We Can Expect.

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Much of the communist codswallop the left has fought for is going down like the Hindenburg and the pinkos are beginning to feel the bright, blinding light of actual transparency.


The word is out that hiring and promoting people because of their skin color and/or unwillingness to accept their genitalia can get people killed. The Bolshevism that is DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusiveness) is getting booted from colleges and companies nationwide.

FACT-O-RAMA! We as a society should help underachievers learn to become successful rather than hire or promote them despite their lack of skills. Somehow, leftists can't see this. 

Even the Communist News Network (CNN) canned their "Race and Equality" team.

Trans-mania has run its course, too. We were told a man in a dress was not safe relieving himself in the men's room and were labeled "transphobic" if we asked, "Why is the bearded lady taking a leak in the women's room?" American women and girls were asked to "tolerate" and "accept" mentally ill naked guys helicoptering their lady weeners in women's locker rooms. What could go wrong?

Related: Shocker: 'Trans Woman' Who Exposed Himself to Wi Spa Customers Is Actually a Serial Sex Offender

Even Worse Related: The Left Is Willfully Blind to Transgender Attacks on Kids

Americans watched as Hitler Youth animals were allowed to take over our "best universities" and chase Jewish students into hiding.

RASSENSCHANDE-O-RAMA! Despite Trump and his followers being labeled "white supremacists," no MAGA hats were recovered at any of the anti-Semitic riots on college campuses nationwide.


We the People watched the deep-state toilet dwellers try to lock up Trump on boogeyman charges that everyone knew to be trash. The Marxists tried to bankrupt Trump, imprison him, and eventually attempted to assassinate him. 

Finally, even your "normie" neighbor who stays out of politics is asking, "How did a guy with a rifle manage to crawl onto a building with a direct shot to Trump's head?" 

More importantly, why hasn't anyone been fired over the poor performance of the Secret Service in Butler, PA?

FACT-O-RAMA! I get really impatient with people who can't or won't see what you and I see: Marxism hijacking every institution in our nation. It took a bullet aimed at Trump's head for many to wake up. I wish you "normies" had opened your eyes sooner, but welcome to the fight of your life.  

The Biden administration is gavaging illegal immigrants into the country daily and with frequently catastrophic effects. Every week, we read about women and girls being raped and murdered by animals who not only shouldn't be here but are being paid to be here.

Then there is the mountain of evidence that the Biden crime family has been hoovering mad stacks from China, Russia, Ukraine, and various nations that end in the word "'stan."


People are finally waking up. So what's next?

I have a mantra when it comes to live comedy shows: hope for the best but prepare for the worst. What we are seeing now is the beginning of the end of the communists' stranglehold on American culture, but they won't go away quietly.

You can expect riots to break out at any time. Frankly, I'm shocked it has not started yet.

I suggest you buy stockpile food, water, and perhaps a few more boxes of mostly peaceful ammo.

I wouldn't be surprised if Biden launches WWIII before Election Day and uses the hostilities to cancel the election — you know, to save democracy.

I'm also convinced the miscreants will try again to take Trump out.

Biden will drag out the usual bovine feculence on the campaign trail. He is still clinging like a barnacle to the ragged notions that Trump said to inject bleach to fight COVID, and that there were very fine Nazis in Charlottesville, which even the pinkos at Snopes admitted is a lie.

Trump is the reason people are waking up to the Marxism, corruption, and lies the uniparty has tried to force down our throats, but he can't do it alone.

The globalists have made it perfectly clear they are trying to enslave us in the next six years. Looky here:


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RelatedMAGA Victories Are Mounting as the Pinkos WEEP Into Their Bud Lights

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