MAGA Victories Are Mounting as the Pinkos WEEP Into Their Bud Lights

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Ever since a filthy Democrat pinko came within millimeters of killing President Donald Trump -- and possibly the future liberties of We the People -- Trump and his army of "white supremacist" MAGA types have been stacking victories like your blue-haired, non-binary thing-in-law collects unemployment check stubs.


Even better, the toilet people on the left are losing what should be their minds but are actually something closer to their excreta exits.

The bullet intended for Trump's face miraculously missed its mark, slicing Trump's ear.

That bullet should have ended Trump's life and, frankly, the future outlook of our nation.

But, thanks be to God, Trump was only wounded.

He rose defiantly, pumped his fist, and yelled, "FIGHT...FIGHT,....FIGHT..." before being whisked away to safety.

FACT-O-RAMA! I get teary-eyed every time I watch him get shot, see him rise, and hear the crowd chant "USA, USA, USA" as he is led away.

The moment Trump rose to show the audience that the bullet had not killed him will stay with us forever. It is every bit as important as watching the second plane hit the World Trade Center.

But that glorious moment was just the beginning of the MAGA victories that have poured in since the communist animal's bullet missed Trump's face.

There are several other stories that would have been the biggest news of the week if it weren't for the assassination attempt on Trump's life.


Some folks may have missed that Judge Cannon, who is overseeing Trump's so-called "classified documents" case, threw it into the garbage after accurately noting that Jack Smith, the beclowned commie prosecuting Trump, was unconstitutionally installed.

Here's the fun part: Will anyone be charged for illegally installing Jack Smith? Will anyone be held responsible for funding Smith and his myrmidons? And how about that raid on Mar a-Lago? 

The good news is this: People are waking up to the blatant persecution of Trump and his followers. Your normie neighbor is starting to realize there is a stink badger in the perfume aisle. Sadly it took a bullet for them to smell the roses, but I'm happy to see their awakening.


Just as delish, but perhaps underreported, the Court of Appeals decided to take a closer look at the flapdoodle case that resulted in Trump's 34 "felony convictions" involving payments to Stormy Daniels.

Everyone following the case -- who isn't a commode-dwelling, Trump-hating malcontent -- saw the bias in the case. 

Judge Merchan was only too eager to embarrass the bench and push for the 34 bogus convictions. Trump called it a witchhunt from the beginning; an appeals court decided to take the case and see if Trump was right.

And to top off a great day after what might have been a disastrous weekend, Trump chose Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his vice president.

For what it's worth, I had a record number of calls and texts to my daily radio show on Monday from undecided voters who jumped onto the Trump Train after seeing the brutal assassination attempt on Saturday. 

People have, blessedly, awakened to the realities of what we are facing.

I can not promise you another wacko leftist won't take a shot at Trump. But I can promise you this: The commies won't stop trying to take us all down.


It starts with suppressing free speech and freedom of the press, especially if that press is PJ Media.

You already know they are trying to turn out our lights. We are a small outfit of patriots but man, those pinkos hate us.

Trump took a bullet for us. I bet you can spare $1.63 a month - roughly the price of a sip of beer in NYC - to roll up your sleeves and get into the fight by becoming a warrior in the PJ Media VIP Army.

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We will win this. Embrace your inner patriot and fight with us!

They shot Trump. They tried to kill him. This is NOT a drill.



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