Bad News for the Commies, Globalists, and Hate-Mongers: Supporting Trump is Now Cool

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Not too long ago, a Trump flag — even an American flag – in your yard meant you were one of those dangerous "patriots," hellbent on saving the nation from the Marxists looking to topple the greatest nation in the history of mankind, you NAZI!


FACT-O-RAMA! In 2019, I overheard someone say to a friend, "Aren't you afraid if you fly a flag that people will think you're a Trump supporter?"

Placing a Trump bumper sticker on your vehicle, especially a pickup (you stupid peckerwood), was risky business unless you had $1,000 to spare when some pink-haired, commie dime museum slashed your tires. #RESIST!

Wearing a MAGA hat in a restaurant was all but asking for a side order of DNA on your cheeseburger.

The Biden administration was partly to blame. The DOJ decided that traditionally patriotic symbols like the Betsy Ross flag were suddenly signs of "violent domestic extremism," meaning that your grandmother out in "the sticks" might get an armed visit from Ober Führer Merrick Garland's Gestapo since she's had one on her porch since the Reagan administration. 

For years, the Marxist miscreants have tried to paint conservatives as drooling, hateful rednecks. You may recall Ralph Northam's tasteless gubernatorial campaign commercial depicting a white man in a pickup replete with a Confederate flag chasing minority kids.

Not anymore. Now, finally, being a Trump supporter isn't just acceptable, it's cool. No, not with the largely white tovarishes from the better part of town but with We the People. And by We the People, I mean every American of every race who values our lifestyle, culture, and American identity. Those Americans who prefer ribeyes to mealworm souffle, work boots to Crocs, haircuts to purple man-buns.

As I wrote earlier this week, a founding member of the Black Panthers just came out in support of Trump, as did a bunch of rappers. You'll notice the Pravda press had little to say about all of these out loud and proud, Trump-loving black folks who have seen the light.


Related: Say What? Black Panther Founding Member Supports Trump

As rapper YG, who had a hit song called "F*** Donald Trump," put it, Trump is a now big hit in inner-city black communities.

"I'm speaking about these m**********s in the hood," YG declared on the "This Past Weekend" podcast back in August of 2023. "I am speaking on their behalf. This is what they say. 'S***, Biden ain't did nothing for us, that n***a Trump is passing out money.'"

Long Island, once a bastion of Democrat voters, has gone almost completely red. American and Trump flags are everywhere. Flying them is no longer an invitation to a salvo of eggs across your house.

Trump went into the belly of the beast — da Bronx — and hit a grand slam in a neighborhood where white people are scarce and Republicans were once in physical danger.

Democommies were sure that labeling Trump a convicted felon would stop the Trump tidal wave but it seems to have only helped voters realize we are being governed by Stalinista miscreants.

Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser, will join Peter Navarro in prison on a flaccid contempt charge. People were sad and nauseated to see a wheelchair-bound, 75-year-old pro-life woman get sentenced to two years in federal prison for praying in front of an entrance to an abortion clinic, especially considering that a BLM princess was handed 15 months for torching a cop car in the name of George Floyd.


Trump has managed to turn the tables on the clownish hate peddlers on the left. Trump flags are flying everywhere. People have finally realized that Trump isn't the racist, homophobe, thisophobe, thatophobe that media harpies said he was, nor are his followers. 

Three people between the ages of 20 and 24 years recently cheered outside of my radio studio as I verbally clown-slapped Biden on air. They flashed messages on their phone to me that read, "We hate Sleepy Joe too" and "Build a wall."

The ever-growing list of passengers on the Trump train is a diverse group of Americans who have had enough pinko feculence. They no longer believe the lies from lefty bootlickers at CNN and MSNBC. 

And Americans aren't the only people who are seeing the light. Check this out:


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