Wake Up America: The Left Is Crumbling Under the Weight of Their Own Hatred

Good things can come from tragedy.

Our "normie" neighbors are finally waking up. They're emerging from their fragile cocoons that protected them from the terrifying truth: our nation is facing a historic, existential threat to the values We the People have, for too long, taken for granted.


The brutality of Hamas's attack on Israel undercuts what bozos like Obama and George W. Bush have told us for years: Islam is a religion of peace. The attack also revealed the unprecedented hatred leftist stains have against Jewish-American people.

    Related hate: Jewish Man Killed at Pro-Hamas Protest in California

    Also related hate: Pro-Hamas and Antifa Protesters Block Washington State Port to Stop Israel Weapons Shipment

   Still more related hate: Jews on the Left Are Just Shocked by Their Fellow Leftists

On another front, the trannifesto left by the transgender school shooter in Nashville, hidden by the FBI, and recently exposed by Stephen Crowder, shows us lefty hate indoctrination can have murderous results.

Most of us have long known Americans have been under attack from our own Bolshie government since Biden took office. We took notice of things were were told to ignore, lest we be called "racist," "fill-in-the-blank-ophobes," or, my favorite, "conspiracy wackos."

Some of the Marxists' greatest hits against our liberties included, but were not limited to:

We were told to wear a mask and stand on stickers in the grocery store, lest our COVID recalcitrance would slaughter innocent grandmas. Meanwhile, millions of people were flooding over the southern border and our government didn't care if they wore masks or were even tested for a virus the feds swore could kill us all if we didn't submit to enraging "COVID protocols."

Biden attempted to mandate a dangerous clot shot for average Americans, while border crashers and welfare recipients were exempt, proving the shot was not necessary. In reality, the mandate was aimed at middle-class Americans because we are hard to control. It's the same reason Joseph Stalin slaughtered millions of Kulaks: they were independent and thus hard to subjugate. Kulaks were murdered under the auspices of "avenging" the poor, who blamed their poverty on people with a little cheddar to their names.

Please take a few minutes to watch Jordan Peterson's "When Victimhood Leads to Genocide" video below. It will detail perfectly what the Biden administration and his lizard-like myrmidons in the World Economic Forum (WEF) have in store for you.


FACT-O-RAMA! Illegal immigrants were not expected to get the shot because Biden wanted as many as possible to crash our gates. Indigent Americans living on the dole were exempted because the government already provides them with a home, food, money, and healthcare. People who rely on the government for life's necessities are already all but owned by their political leaders. The ridiculous COVID rules and mandates were intended to control those of us who refuse to bend a knee to tyrants.

We were told to ignore our eyes, and that BLM and their non-binary siblings in Antifa were "peaceful protestors." In fact, both groups are commie brown shirts who were allowed to gut some of our nation's biggest cities with near impunity. If you pointed out their dangerous ferocity you were somehow a "racist."

The myth of "white supremacy" being the worst threat to our nation is propagated by globalist reptiles who seek to control us. The WEF isn't even hiding their evil intentions, and many of our elected officials — from N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James all the way up to *President Joe "totally showered with his young daughter, Ashley" Biden are Marxists who are dedicated to the plan.

SHAME-O-RAMA! You can listen to an audio recording of Ashley Biden confirming the diary is hers and watch the subsequent FBI raid on the home of James O'Keefe, who was then the leader of Project Veritas and who briefly had possession of the diary.

Let's not forget how the federal government — under Biden — censored Americans who dared to question the lies being gavaged down our throats.

The truth of Biden's commie pinko plans has been obvious to those of us who know how to look for it. Sadly, it took the brutality of Hamas and the subsequent outpouring of nationwide anti-Semitism, along with the violent, Marxist hatred the Nashville trans shooter displayed against schoolchildren, to wake some people up. I predict more tragedies will take place between now and election day in 2024, and more people will open their eyes.

Today's nationwide elections will show us how many people are awake and aware, and how many more need to feel the slap of reality on their faces before they start to pay attention.


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