Seven people involved in the production of the late-night anti-Trump “comedy” show The Late Show with Stephen Colbert were arrested Thursday by U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) in the Longworth House Office Building. They had been in another building in the afternoon trying to interview members of the Jan. 6 Committee. They were told to leave earlier and were escorted out during the day but took it upon themselves to return to the building. They had help getting back in.
We are still not sure how many members of the USCP have cried over this seditious attack against American democracy.

FACT-O-RAMA! Though the group was told to leave and chose not to do so, none of them were shot like Ashli Babbitt and none are languishing in solitary confinement in a D.C. gulag.
A congressional source confirmed to Fox News that Robert Smigel, a puppet comedian best known as the voice of “Triumph the Insult Dog,” was among them, as well as show writer Josh Comers, senior producer and director Jake Plunkett, and associate producer Allison Martinez.
According to Fox News star Jesse Watters, the group was banging on doors of Republicans’ offices as they filmed a skit for the Colbert show. The group allegedly spent the night in jail. Just one? Huh.
The Washington Examiner acquired a copy of a statement released by USCP, which included the following:
On June 16, 2022, at approximately 8:30 p.m., U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) received a call for a disturbance in the Longworth House Office Building. Responding officers observed seven individuals, unescorted and without Congressional ID, in a sixth-floor hallway.
The building was closed to visitors, and these individuals were determined to be a part of a group that had been directed by the USCP to leave the building earlier in the day. They were charged with Unlawful Entry. This is an active criminal investigation, and may result in additional criminal charges after consultation with the U.S. Attorney.
Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) claims the insurrectionists in the seditious Colbert squad were allowed into the building by none other than staff members working for Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Jake Auchincloss (D-Mass.).
FACT-O-RAMA! Ultra prag and perinnial liar Adam Schiff has been a leading voice in the J6 committee, which recently falsely accused Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) of taking kids with giftbags around the Capitol on a “reconnassaince tour” leading up to Jan. 6.
Related: Liar Liar, Narrative on Fire: Schiff and Cheney Get Clown-slapped for J6 Whopper
The seven individuals were charged with unlawful entry and released. This investigation is ongoing. Remember, hundreds of Jan. 6 protestors have been charged with “unlawful entry.”
Based on what I’ve heard about Jan. 6, this is CLEARLY an insurrection. No idea if AOC was worried because she was in the region and feared she was about to be raped and killed yet again by traitorous rebels.
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