Jennifer Detenancour, a mother living in Minnesota, must have been horrified when she viewed a video of her daughter being savagely beaten by a gang of women. She posted it to Facebook and it since has been viewed over 400,000 times.
Fifteen-year-old Sydney Detenancour was lured into the woods by a gang of degenerates who pretended to want to take a walk with her. They turned on a video camera and began videoing the women viciously beating her and cutting her hair off.
Cassandra Borden, 19, accused Sydney of riding in the same car as her boyfriend the night before as he was arrested for drunk driving. The video footage was taken by what appears to be Borden’s brother, 26-year-old Justin Adler, as the events unfolded. Borden hits her in the head, kicks her and screams obscenities at the young girl over and over again. “I’m not gonna lie to you, I brought you out here for a reason,” Borden tells her. “You were with my man, so I’m gonna f***ing hit you!,” she screams.
When Detenancour tries to cover her head to block the punches, she tells her assailants that Borden’s boyfriend was arrested for drinking and driving.
Justin Adler responds with, “Everyone f***ing drinks and drives. I wish I could hit you too, but I’m a guy.” As the young girl lay on the ground curled up in a ball, another assailant can be seen cutting off her hair with scissors.
Following the attack, Sydney is suffering from nosebleeds and headaches. Borden was arrested on misdemeanor fifth-degree assault charges and faces a 90-day jail sentence and $1,000 fine if found guilty. Borden’s father turned her in and plans to send her to an alcohol rehab facility because he says that during the attack she was “blackout” drunk.
Jennifer Detenancour was extremely disappointed in the charges, writing on Facebook:
I’m sick to my stomach even thinking this could happen, but it did, just last night….to My DAUGHTER!!!! Was just informed by a police officer they’re only facing 5th degree assault because there was no broken bones that they know of and apparently a scissors it’s not a weapon.
There is an ongoing investigation into the case.
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