Author Calls for Atheists and LGBTQ Communities to Join Forces Against Christians

Participants are seen in the 48th Annual Heritage of Pride March in New York, NY, USA on June 25, 2017. (Photo by Albin Lohr/Sipa via AP Images)

In a new book titled Queer disbelief: Why LGBTQ Equality is an Atheist Issue, writer Camille Beredjick proposes that atheists unite with LGBTQ communities as allies against Christianity.


A professed atheist and LGBTQ activist, Beredjick says that the two sides have much in common and are fighting a common enemy. Speaking to Religion News Service, Beredjick explains the genesis of the book.

This book came out of a long, professional relationship between myself and Hemant Mehta, who writes The Friendly Atheist blog. We started to see religious arguments against the movement for transgender rights and it seemed like a good time to talk about how these two groups — atheists and the LGBTQ community — receive outcry from organized religion in a very intense way and to talk about how they can best be allied and what’s at stake when we don’t work together to address our common goals.

Beredjick believes that Christian organizations shouldn’t be allowed to fire either atheists or LGBTQ individuals. Predictably, she also takes aim at Christians like the bakers and florists who have been sued out of business for attempting to operate their place of business according to their consciences.

So many of the most significant issues facing LGBTQ people can affect atheists in some way, like violating the principles many atheists hold dear. When we see laws that seek to give business owners the right to discriminate against LGBTQ customers based on their religious beliefs, that’s state-sanctioned privileging of one belief system over another. … The laws that target LGBTQ people could also be used against atheists.


If the book’s thesis seems obvious to you, you’re not the only one. But probably not for the reason that Ms. Beredjick believes.

In the interview, she correctly acknowledges that there is much overlap between the two groups. In fact, as she points out, “Close to half of LGBTQ persons say they are nonbelievers.” That makes sense, and it makes sense because both groups are engaged in active rebellion against their Creator.

Any honest reading of the Bible reveals that homosexuality is outside of the boundaries for sex established by God. The majority of those who attempt to claim that an LGBTQ lifestyle is compatible with Christianity deny the inerrancy of Holy Scriptures; they pick and choose what they like and don’t like about the Bible. Any LGBTQ  individual who interacts with the Bible honestly and who refuses to submit to God through repenting of their sins and placing their faith in Jesus will admit that the Christian faith doesn’t conform to their chosen lifestyle. In fact, most of the major religions prohibit homosexual activity. There are not many worldviews left for an honest LGBTQ individual other than unbelief.


Instead of attempting to rally the troops to force Christians to conform to their agenda, a better (and more honest) book would be one that acknowledges that Christianity and the LGBTQ lifestyle are utterly incompatible. Instead of calling for atheist and LGBTQ communities to form an alliance, Beredjick should’ve written that the two groups are essentially the same in their rebellion against God. At least then, she could’ve said what she really wants—the destruction of Christianity.


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