James O'Keefe Sues Main Justice for Defamation

Main Justice is a barely read blog that serves as a private mouthpiece for Eric Holder’s operation.  I covered their intellectually dishonest coverage of racialist policies at the Justice Department here at PJ Media.


I have just learned from James O’Keefe that he has sued Main Justice for defamation, and that they have been served.

Main Justice has covered O’Keefe’s battle with disgraced U.S. Attorney Jim Letten in New Orleans.  (So has PJ Media here).  O’Keefe confronted Letten about his prosecution of O’Keefe.  Letten is now a dean at Tulane Law school.  The federal court in New Orleans eviscerated the conduct of Justice Department lawyers under his supervision in a 129-page opinion dismissing criminal convictions against 5 New Orleans police officers.


O’Keefe is suing Main Justice for claiming he tampered with phone lines inside a U.S. Senate office.  O’Keefe takes special care to release full length videos.

O’Keefe asked for a retraction for the story, but only received snark in return from Main Justice publisher Mary Jacoby.


Mary Jacoby at Main Justice doesn’t think much of the conservative media. She wrote to O’Keefe’s staff this email about O’Keefe’s efforts:

Hello Daniel –

As bone fide journalists, we strive for accuracy and will add a clarification at your request. However, please spare me the indignation – no serious person would pull this kind of stunt.

Best regards,


No large Washington D.C. lawfirm has lined up to represent O’Keefe, yet.  That’s a benefit reserved for liberal defamation plaintiffs.


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