More on Perjury Confessions Inside DOJ

Hans von Spakovsky has the details today, breaking news of confessions of perjury inside the DOJ that, he reports, have gone entirely unpunished.

The Daily Caller has this story. 


Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has this take.

I have the “Featured Story” over at Andrew Breitbart’s Bigs, and linked at Big Government with more about the culture of lies inside the Obama Justice Department.  What do the false statements to Congress in the New Black Panther scandal have to do with the false statements to Congress in the Fast and Furious scandal?  Simple, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich.  From my piece at

Assistant Attorney General Ron Weich also contributes to the problem at DOJ. He authored a letter to Congress about Fast and Furious which was false.  Weich previously submitted another false letter to Congress on July 13, 2009, regarding the dismissal of the New Black Panther case. In it, he told Congress that the voter intimidation case against one Panther had been dismissed because the defendant “was a resident of the apartment building where the polling place was located.” That was blatantly false.  The Panther in question did not live in the building. As in Fast and Furious, the Weich letter had to be retracted because Weich didn’t tell Congress the truth.

Too often people focus on Eric Holder in these DOJ scandals.  They fail to understand that the bureaucracy itself has become corrupted and people below Eric Holder help drive the decay.  Eric Holder is not the alpha and omega of DOJ malfeasence.  Others should face Congressional scrutiny also, and the wrath of an outraged public in 2012.  What should Congress do about Weich’s repeated false statements to them? Simple:


Memo to Congress:  Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution applies to Weich. Use it. He would likely be gone in a fortnight.

Will this happen?  Not if the timid prevail and the righteous do not, of course.  But make no mistake about it, the White House sees the festering electoral vulnerabilities over at Justice, and they may act even if some in Congress fail to take action:

When Holder is run out of office by suddenly courageous Congressional Republicans–or, more likely, by a White House that understands the damage that would follow if they tried–it will be interesting to see where he lands. Will Big Law welcome him back with open arms at his old firm, Covington and Burling? Or will Holder be treated as he deserves to be treated? I’ll bet on the former.

Until that happens, expect this to get uglier, with your government accusing people who care, and the press itself, of base motives for reporting the facts.  Ugly times indeed.


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