I Support President Obama’s Plan for Making Schools Safer

President Obama claims he cares about making our children safe while in school. We should take him at his word. But the problem is when words conflict with actions. As it’s said, actions speak louder than words.


President Obama sends his daughters to Sidwell Friends School, whose student roster reads like a list of Who’s Who’s Children. It even includes the children of NBC’s David Gregory, who berated NRA’s Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre over the idea of armed school security.

The Sidwell faculty directory includes eleven staff in their Security Department. Seven of these staff are specifically called “Special Police Officer.” Special Police Officers, or SPOs, are licensed to carry guns on duty.

Sidwell ran a job advertisement last November via JobHustler.com. Candidates are expected to act like police officers in many ways, including the ability to be armed on the job:

“The ideal candidate will have the ability to write clear concise reports, prepare preliminary investigative reports, as well as interview witnesses, suspects & victims.”


“Mail, fax, or email resume, information for three references and a copy of your current driver’s & Special Police Officer licenses to: [email protected] Resources Sidwell Friends School 3825 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20016 Fax: (202) 537-2418.”

What Obama really believes is what he does. Contact your school board today. Tell them we need to follow the president’s lead. Our schools need appropriately armed and trained individuals on campus to protect our children against insane people looking for a moment of notoriety.


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