Three ATF supervisors involved with Fast and Furious have been rewarded for “the skills and abilities they have demonstrated throughout their careers.”
William G. McMahon, Deputy Assistant ATF Director For western Field Operations
From LA Times:
McMahon was promoted Sunday to deputy assistant director of the ATF’s Office of Professional Responsibility and Security Operations — the division that investigates misconduct by employees and other problems.
From July 26, 2011 hearing of House Oversight Committee:
Let me be clear from the outset, as the ATF senior executive in charge of the West region, I share responsibility for mistakes that were made in the Fast and Furious investigation.
William D. Newell, ATF Special Agent In Charge of the Phoenix Field Division
From LA Times:
Newell was the special agent in charge of the field office for Arizona and New Mexico, where Fast and Furious was conducted. On Aug. 1, the ATF announced he would become special assistant to the assistant director of the agency’s Office of Management in Washington.
From July 26, 2011 hearing of House Oversight Committee:
I acknowledge now that we did make some mistakes in this…initiative, in this program.
David Voth, Field Supervisor who oversaw Gunwalker out of the ATF’s Phoenix office
From LA Times:
Voth was an on-the-ground team supervisor for the operation, and last month he was moved to Washington to become branch chief for the ATF’s tobacco division.
From his email dated March 12, 2010, regarding Fast and Furious:
If you don’t think this is fun you’re in the wrong line of work – period! This is the pinnacle of domestic U.S. law enforcement techniques… Maybe the Maricopa County Jail is hiring detention officers and you can get paid $30,000 (instead of $100,000) to serve lunch to inmates all day.
From LA Times:
“Whenever we would get a trace report back,” said Agent John Dodson, Voth “was jovial, if not giddy, just delighted about that: Hey, 20 of our guns were recovered with 350 pounds of dope in Mexico last night.”
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