
How Far Off Are We From Venezuelan-Style Govenment?

AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos

Venezuela had its elections yesterday. To the surprise of nobody, Nicolas Maduro declared himself the winner amid reports of widespread election fraud and voter intimidation. 

Even less surprising was Vice President Kamala Harris's congratulation of Maduro on his "victory," which my friend Catherine Salgado wrote about.

You can vote your way into socialism, but it will not allow itself to be voted out.

Thankfully, many American lawmakers, as well as several other South and Central American countries, are condemning the fraudulent election.

El Salvador's Nayib Bukele tweeted (translated from Spanish): "What we saw yesterday in Venezuela has no other name than fraud. An 'election' where the official result has no relation to reality. Something obvious to anyone. We broke diplomatic relations with Maduro 4 years ago. We will not reopen them until their people can elect their leaders in real elections."

In fact, most of the rest of South America and parts of the Caribbean, including Peru, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the Dominican Republic, were equally vocal about their skepticism about the results of Venezuela's election. Maduro retaliated by cutting off diplomatic relations with them:

As expected, Venezuelans are protesting the fraud. 

Still, as appalling as this is, who is to say we could not experience the same thing in November?

Joe Biden's handlers have been hard at work making sure we don't forget that anyone who questioned the results of the 2020 election is a "domestic terrorist/extremist' and a "threat to democracy."

That is why little old ladies and Catholic dads have been imprisoned for praying outside of abortion clinics and why concerned parents are considered "extremists" for not wanting their kids exposed to filth in schools.

Yet people who firebomb crisis pregnancy centers, harass Jews, and openly call for the destruction of Israel and the United States are not so much as arrested.

The Left's primary political opponent, Donald Trump, has been subject to phony criminal cases and was convicted on 34 equally fake felony counts by an openly biased judge and prosecutor for a crime they have been unable to explain. 

Every major development, whether the four indictments, the mugshot in Georgia, the details surrounding prosecutor Fani Willis's conduct and affair, the nearly half-billion-dollar fine imposed on Trump, Michael Cohen's testimony, or those 34 convictions, all made Trump's support skyrocket, to the point that swing states are tilted in his favor in the polls, and some blue states may even be in play.

Perhaps one of the few differences between us and Venezuela at this point is the fact that the poverty we see down there, where people are forced to eat zoo animals or from the garbage, has largely been confined to blue cities (thank God for states' rights).


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