This Is How You Validate Conspiracy Theories

AP Photo/Rod Lamkey, Jr.

I know I am slightly late to the party writing about Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle's atrocious conduct during the House Oversight Committee hearing, but in my watching and writing about it for my day job, all I could think of was how Cheatle's refusal to answer even the simplest of questions just tarnishes the narrative further.


Namely, the very fact that she spent almost six hours saying absolutely nothing does not dispel the idea that the attempt on Donald Trump's life in Butler, Pennsylvania, was an act of complicity on the part of the Secret Service or a full-blown inside job by the Deep State.

Related: BREAKING: House Oversight Committee Calls for Cheatle's Resignation

I am not one to immediately attribute malice to what can adequately be explained by stupidity, but nothing Cheatle did today helped her case in either of those explanations.

Keep in mind, as Yahoo News noted, that Cheatle said ahead of time that she would be "consistent and factual." Consistently refusing to give a straight answer beyond "we're looking into it" is indeed factual but very much resembles lying by omission.

Multiple members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, pointed this out Cheatle, saying her lack of clear answers only validated claims that Crooks did not act alone and that the investigation that she repeatedly referred to is actually a coverup.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georg.) was the most upfront about asking if there was any complicity by the Secret Service or a conspiracy to kill Trump.


Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) similarly asked why the counter-sniper did not shoot at Crooks first and if there was an order to hold fire.

Even Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) asked about the "staged shooting" nonsense perpetrated by BlueAnon types and the idea that a foreign state or entity was behind the attempt on Trump's life, and of course whether or not it was an inside job.

Cheatle, of course, denied them all.

This is not to say that proves any of the theories, but I have a feeling if there really is a conspiracy, they would not be honest about it if asked directly.

Still, Representative Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) acknowledged that the conspiracy theories would persist and be further validated by Cheatle's conduct during the hearing.

But the great thing about conspiracy theories is that they are unfalsifiable and self-verifying, meaning any evidence against the conspiracy is proof of the conspiracy's depth.

It could quickly become very easy to think Cheatle is just the scapegoat for the conspiracy as they continue covering up their involvement.

I am not endorsing the theory, but the fact that I am discussing it could very well deprive PJ Media of the ad revenue that keeps us up and running, just because we are willing to talk about things the mainstream media would prefer to be kept out of the public eye.


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