Four young American women were attacked with acid in Marseille, France, on Sunday, but were thankfully not seriously injured.
The women have been identified as Courtney Siverling, Charlotte Kaufman, Michelle Krug, and Kelsey Kosten.
All four are Boston College juniors studying abroad. The 41-year-old female assailant — who, oddly enough, has yet to be identified — is said to be suffering from mental illness. The attack is not believed to be terror-related, but it is still being investigated.
The women were treated for burns in a Marseille hospital and released on Sunday.
Two of the women –Krug and Siverling — have displayed an almost unimaginable amount of grace in posts on Facebook following the horrifying incident.
Krug said in a Facebook post that all four expect “a quick recovery” and urged her followers to pray for the attacker.
It was easy to fear the worst after reading that two of the girls were hit in the face and two had to be hospitalized for shock. The intention of an acid attack is to blind, maim, disfigure, torture, or even kill the victim. The scene could have been nightmarishly gruesome.
The acid can rapidly eat away skin, the layer of fat beneath the skin, and in some cases even the underlying bone. Eyelids and lips may be completely destroyed, the nose and ears severely damaged.
Thank God the assailant used a weak solution that didn’t do extensive damage.
Krug said in her FB post that the assailant “threw a weak solution of hydrochloric acid at us from a water bottle, which got in one of my eyes and one of my friend’s eyes.”
She added, “I ask that if you send thoughts and prayers our way, please consider thinking about/praying for our attacker so that she may receive the help she needs and deserves. Mental illness is not a choice and should not be villainized.”
Siverling also posted on Facebook that she was uninjured and that she and her three classmates “are all safe.”
“The French police and the U.S. Consulate have been wonderful and we are so thankful for that,” Siverling said.
She added, “I pray that the attacker would be healed from her mental illness in the name of Jesus and receive the forgiveness and salvation that can only come from Him.”
She concluded her post with Bible verse: “‘This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him’ Psalm 91:2.”
Boston College was “founded in 1863 by the Society of Jesus to educate Boston’s predominantly Irish, Catholic immigrant community,” according to college’s website.
Its stated mission is to be “the national leader in the liberal arts; to fulfill its Jesuit, Catholic mission of faith and service; to continue to develop model programs to support students in their formation; and to seek solutions—as researchers, educators, leaders, and caregivers—that directly address the world’s most urgent problems.”
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