WATCH: Hillary Sings a Sad Song for Voters Wooed by Bernie

It was a Saturday Night Live cold open that probably cut a little too close to reality for the Clinton campaign.

A group of Dems discusses their campaign choices over brunch, starting as assumed Hillary voters then gradually admitting that they’re going for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) instead.


One notes that “Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright basically said it’s my feminist duty” to vote for Hillary.

When reminded that “true feminism is looking at both candidates equally regardless of gender,” the voter replies, “Well, if I really do that, I pick Bernie.”

Kate McKinnon, playing Hillary in a blue and black pantsuit, appears in the scene singing Bonnie Raitt’s mournful “I Can’t Make You Love Me.” Darrell Hammond reprises his legendary Bill Clinton impersonation to play the piano in Hillary’s number.

With the Dems’ caucus just six days away, Sanders and Clinton were both campaigning in Nevada on Valentine’s Day. The two are basically tied in the polls there.


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