This Guitar Kills Fascists


Or at least mocks them savagely for their punitive regulatory idiocy:

The Gibson guitar company, having had its federally seized wood returned to it, is celebrating with the release of a new product made from that very wood: the Les Paul Government II Series. As the luthiery firm puts it:

Great Gibson electric guitars have long been a means of fighting the establishment, so when the powers that be confiscated stocks of tonewoods from the Gibson factory in Nashville—only to return them once there was a resolution and the investigation ended—it was an event worth celebrating. Introducing the Government Series II Les Paul, a striking new guitar from Gibson USA for 2014 that suitably marks this infamous time in Gibson’s history.

Available in one color: “Government Tan.”


I’ll be interested to see how the guitar goes over with the members of various electric guitar forums devoted to the Les Paul guitar, many of whom profess to wave their freak flag high — and then consistently support big government reactionary statists such John Kerry and Barack Obama.

As Erika Johnson adds at Hot Air, “you have got to appreciate [Gibson’s] sense of humor about the whole drawn-out and extremely shady episode.”

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Related: For my 2002 Blogcritics interview with the late Les Paul himself, click here.


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