'Praise the Pilgrims and Pass the Matzo Balls'

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Best. Thanksgivukkah. Headline. Ever. At least for the next 70,043 years, the next time that the exceedingly rare overlap of Chanukah* and Thanksgiving occurs again. In the Washington Times, Suzanne Fields writes:


When my parents bought a house in the nation’s capital in 1946, they were told there was an old and no longer valid covenant in the deed prohibiting the sale of the house to Jews. When my parents moved in, their neighbors, with not a Jew among them, brought over homemade pies and cakes to welcome them.

If my grandfather had stayed in Lithuania, his entire family would likely have been killed by the Nazis. He never forgot that America had taken in his family, six children and a seventh was born here, and how they prospered.

When I was a little girl, my grandfather gave me a silver dollar each night of Hanukkah. One year, he gave me a menorah shaped like the six-pointed Jewish star with small tiny electric bulbs. He told me to turn it on when I recited my prayer over the lights.

I was horrified that it would replace my grandmother’s graceful antique brass menorah with its tiny delicate candles, but I never let on. He was so proud of his gift, and particularly because it was “made in America.” I knew nothing of the old world he had left behind and how a menorah with electric lights meant freedom and prosperity to him. He knew his adopted country wasn’t perfect and that it hadn’t taken in all the Jews who were trying to escape the Holocaust. He knew that anti-Semitism might once have kept his daughter out of the neighborhood where she wanted to live. But he also understood how his adopted country worked to right its wrongs.

Every night of Hanukkah during this Thanksgiving season, I will turn on an electric bulb, rather than light a candle, and give thanks for being here. So America isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect enough for me. Happy Thanksgivukkah.


Read the whole thing, and then check out another Washington Times story while you’re on their Website: “Media still feasting on Bush ‘fake’ turkey claim; erroneous story still repeated 10 years on.”

Everything the average consumer of the MSM knows about the 20th century is wrong; it’s not surprising that the legacy media would want to get a jump on falsifying the history of the next hundred years as well.


* Or Hanukkah if you prefer. I think I need a gin and tonicka pondering all of the different spellings of the holiday.


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