Sarah Palin at CPAC

Hot Air has the video, and this excerpt:

Cue Sarah Palin, who definitely did not shy away from slamming the shady, back-room, crusty old Washington power structure, but also took President Obama to the cleaners on his utter bankruptcy of leadership skills: “We don’t have leadership coming out of Washington. We have reality television. … Well, the election came and went. But, the campaign never stopped. At a time when our country is desperate for leadership, we get instead a permanent campaign. … Leaders reach across political differences, campaigners double down on those differences. … Leaders seek to bring Americans together to confront our challenges, and campaigners, they seek to divide and conquer and orchestrate crisis after crisis after crisis, to exploit. Mr. President, you won. We accept it. Now step away from the teleprompter and do your job.” Heh.


Heh, indeed and read the whole thing, to coin a series of Insta-phrases. But is Obama capable of doing that portion of his job that doesn’t involve campaigning? As Jim Geraghty noted late last month, “You Can’t Community-Organize Your Way Out of a Sequester.”


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