You Stay Classy, Marion Barry

“After declaring ‘we got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up businesses and dirty shops.They ought to go.’ during his victory speech last night former DC mayor Marion Barry defended himself on Twitter,” the writers at, Michelle Malkin’s new Website devoted to tracking the insanity of the left on Twiter, note. “Apparently Barry feels that his comments were taken out of context and, he claims, he was only referring to certain Asian business owners. He even tweeted out pictures of the businesses he doesn’t like:”


Apparently Barry feels that he is the real victim in all of this. Somehow his comments that Asian business owners “ought to go” were not the least bit racist and are just being used by outsiders to try and oppress the residents of Ward 8. It was all just another set up as the Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein mockingly points out.

The bitch set him up again! MT @marionbarryjr: My comments were taken out of context & construed as disparaging 2 entire Asian biz community

Elsewhere in the world of the left’s obsessive identity politics, “You Stay Classy, Time Magazine: Editor Asks Nikki Haley If She Gives Bigger Tips To Sikh Taxi Drivers…” Click over for video.


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