The God of Small Things

“I am going to try to be so persuasive in the 20 minutes or so that I speak that by the time this is over, a light will shine down from somewhere.

“It will light upon you. You will experience an epiphany. And you will say to yourself, I have to vote for Barack. I have to do it.”


Barack Obama, January 7th, 2008, as reported by CNN.

“This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

Barack Obama, June 3rd, 2008.

Flash-forward to today:

A friend of mine, in pointing this out, said he’s astonished the president has now made a press comment by an anonymous Republican congressional aide part of his speeches. There are certainly worse ways to lower to prestige of the presidency – but to have reached the point where the president of the United States is now fighting with unnamed congressional staff shows you how far Obama has fallen.

Perhaps anonymous quotes from state legislative interns is next.

Is this really the moment we were all waiting for?

— Peter Wehner at Commentary: “How Low Can Obama Go?”

As Fred Barnes writes, Obama has entered into Gerald Ford, “Whip Inflation Now” territory. “The Obama presidency has entered the pathetic phase. This occurs when a president acts in a demeaning fashion while trying to rebuild his popularity and political strength. It’s a product of desperation.”

You can almost hear Obama plaintively declaring, Norma Desmond-style, I AM big! It’s the metaphors that got small!


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