Be The Wave

Peter Wehner writes at Commentary’s Contentions blog, “It’s Going to Get Ugly for Obama” as 2012 approaches. This Gallup report that “Americans’ economic confidence plunged to -53 in the week ending Aug. 7, a level not seen since the recession days of March 2009,” is a harbinger of what’s to come,  Wehner adds:


In addition — and not coincidentally — the president’s job approval rating has dropped to 40 percent, tying his low from a week ago, and his disapproval rating is now 50 percent. It’s only a matter of time before Obama’s approval rating sinks below 40 percent, at which point the rising concern among Democrats will turn to panic.

They understand the enormous wave building against the president and his party. They saw what it did in 2010. They know what it might do to them in 2012. And there’s just not much they can do to stop it.

It’s going to get very, very ugly–very, very soon.

Tony Blankley writes that in recent weeks, Obama seems “to have been captured by a sense of exhaustion, futility and helplessness:”

He has cited the Japanese earthquake, the “Arab Spring,” oil prices and instability in Europe as forces beyond our government’s control that are causing our economic troubles.

I would suggest that the Republican candidate for president might want to respond to that with, “Respectfully, Mr. President, if you don’t know what to do with the presidency to save our economy, perhaps the office should be turned over to someone who does.”

The Republican presidential aspirant who can capture optimism in his or her tone — while realistically describing how traditional American economic policies can regain prosperity for us — is likely to win both the nomination and the presidency.


Related: “Dems Beginning To Fear That Obama is Unelectable.”


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