Global Warming: Is There Nothing It Can't Do?

As we’ve noted before, the legacy media very publicly jettisoned objectivity on global warming long before they very publicly jettisoned objectivity at election time, but even so, watch Reuters tie themselves up in knots with this lede:


Smoke belching from Asia’s rapidly growing economies is largely responsible for a halt in global warming in the decade after 1998 because of sulphur’s cooling effect, even though greenhouse gas emissions soared, a U.S. study said on Monday.

It’s sort of the equivalent of Al Gore’s 2007 Live Earth concert: the only way we can fight the effects of global warming is by having as much of it as possible. Which may have inspired John Holdren’s Dr. Strangelove-esque scheme he floated past AP in 2009 to launch rockets full of pollution into the upper atmosphere.The AP reporter who interviewed was apparently far too in the tank not to burst into laughter on camera. Fortunately though, Jim Treacher had the appropriate response: that whole “‘Obama is a megalomaniac’ thing is such a ridiculous right-wing smear. By the way, now he wants to take over the weather.”

No wonder, as Steve Hayward writes at Power Line, “Climate Change Has Become the ‘Dead Parrot Sketch’ of American Politics.”

But when will Washington’s Joke Warfare against the American public finally come to an end?


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