November Starts Now — Obama's 3:00 AM Fail

It’s 3:00 AM. There’s a phone in the White House. And no one is home to answer:

[youtube wRXF4Scs0fc]

Fortunately, hope and change are coming. (Quantity to be determined first Tuesday in November.) As Donald Douglas adds at the American Power blog:


The new ad from the RNC:

Barack Obama’s presidency has been a disaster. He is either unwilling to or incapable of doing his job. The economy is in shambles, the government is failing, and Americans are losing hope. Barack Obama was not ready to be President. He’s not the solution. You are.

You have the opportunity to turn our economy, our government, and our country around by electing Republicans and restoring your voice in Washington. But to win this fall, we must start today. It’s up to you to save your country. Are you ready? Because November starts now.

As much as I like it, I’m not sending these folks any money. It’s going to take a lot more of Michael Steele sucking up to the base before that happens (or, memories of Dede Scozzafava are still quite strong):

And for our own fun with the 3:00 AM ad from back in March of 2008 — later “borrowed” by the McCain camp a few months later, click here.

Related: At the Legal Insurrection blog, William A. Jacobson looks at the future of the Supreme Court and writes, “If This Doesn’t Motivate You For November, Nothing Will.”


And speaking of Hillary, Ed Rendell, the Democratic governor who championed Hillary Clinton to his Pennsylvania constituents in 2008, believes that Obama could face a primary challenge over Afghanistan, as Allahpundit notes at Hot Air. If so, that should give President Obama plenty of sleepless nights, considering how challenges from Eugene McCarthy and Teddy Kennedy ultimately blew up LBJ and Jimmy Carter’s bids for second terms. (Note that decades before someone in the McCain camp mashed up Hillary’s 3:00 AM ad for YouTube, Ronald Reagan used Teddy Kennedy’s campaign video against Carter in his own TV ad — to infinitely greater effect in the long run, needless to say.)


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