It's A Maher, Maher, Maher, Maher World

Back in August of 2005, Rush Limbaugh caught hell from the liberal media when he told NBC’s Conan O’Brien:

“I think right now for example, the Iraq War looks like it’s – we could lose it because I don’t think [Bush] he has been tough enough with peace protestors,” Limbaugh said.  This is his time. He should get mad, stop [expletive] around.”


And Limbaugh really infuriated legacy media pundits when he added:

“Get the war won with or without them,” Maher said. “Make the Senate an offer they can’t refuse. This Harry Reid guy – he needs to wake up tomorrow with an intern’s head in his bed.”

Of course, the above quotes were never uttered — but let’s flip the players’ names around a bit. Here’s HBO’s Bill Maher, talking about President Obama last night with Conan:

On NBC’s Aug. 24 “Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien,” Maher expressed his frustration with President Barack Obama’s inability to get health care/health insurance reformed and passed into law.

“I think right now for example, this health care debate looks like it’s – we could lose it because I don’t think [Obama] he has been tough enough,” Maher said. “You know, he used to say in the campaign, ‘It’s your time.’ This is his time. He should get mad, stop [expletive] around.”

One of the hurdles Obama is facing to get his brand of health care made law is some of the more moderate Democrats in the Senate aren’t willing to agree to the far-reaching plan Obama and the Democratic congressional leadership want. Maher said it really didn’t matter what they thought.

“You know, they’re talking about 60 votes they need,” Maher said. “Forget this stuff. You can’t get Americans to agree on anything. Sixty-percent? Sixty-percent of people don’t believe in evolution in this country. He just needs to drag them to it. Like I just said, they’re stupid. Just drag them to this.”

He suggested Obama employ Mafia-like tactics straight from “The Godfather” to get Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., to agree to Obama’s plan.

“Get health care done, you know, with or without them,” Maher said. “Make the gang of six an offer they can’t refuse. This Max Baucus guy – he needs to wake up tomorrow with an intern’s head in his bed.”


Kenneth Gladney could not be reached for comment.

It’s curious (if not at all) surprising that Maher is calling voters stupid; and yet somehow presumably, he approves of that same majority’s collective decision to elect Maher’s preferred candidate last November.

Elsewhere in the glamorous pantheon of Home Box Office celebrities, “HBO’s Potential New Star ‘Licked Doorknobs’ to Make Republicans Sick.”


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