The Artificial Reality of the Matrix Media

Selwyn Duke looks at the state of manufactured consent at the dawn of the Obama administration:

A common defense of error today is to say, with due indignation, “I have a right to my opinion!” Legally this is true, given that our First Amendment is extant. But as G.K. Chesterton once said, “Having the right to do something is not at all the same as being right in doing it.” There is no moral right to an immoral opinion — nor to one bred of emotionalism unconstrained by reason — nor to a deceitful one.

More than ever, Americans are realizing that this isn’t a sentiment to which the mainstream media subscribes. In fact, with how it shamelessly carried water for Barack Obama during the election, 2008 has been dubbed “the year journalism died” (Sean Hannity is fond of this label). Yet, while such pronouncements make for compelling commentary, nothing could be further from the truth.

The reality is that journalism is alive and well — outside the mainstream media. As for the latter’s journalism, by the third millennium it was not only dead, not only laid to rest, but fossilized and buried under the stratum containing the hula hoop and pet rock. And it would take a Jurassic Park-like effort to reconstitute its DNA and resurrect the ancient beast. Thus, a more accurate statement about 2008 is: It was the year that many more illusions about the validity of mainstream journalism died. Let us now take a look at a media that has made malpractice an art.


Read the whole thing.


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