And Featuring Gordy Howard With The Weather

The MP3 version of this week’s PJM Political on XM Satellite Radio’s POTUS ’08 channel is now online–tune in here to listen!

PJM Political spends a fair amount of time in the Minnesotan corner of the Blogosphere this week, as Captain Ed Morrissey interviews GOP presidential hopeful, Senator John McCain. Also joining host Bill Bradley are:


  • John Hinderaker and Paul Mirengoff of Power Line, Time magazine’s “2004 Blog of the Year” on the state of the 2008 election.
  • James Lileks, the Bard of Minneapolis.
  • And from beyond the Twin Cities:
  • The Glenn & Helen Show, featuring energy efficiency guru Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute with his advice to the 2008 candidates.
  • Govindini Murty and “Dirty Harry” of the Pajamas-affiliated conservative film blog, Libertas on Hollywood’s role in the 2008 presidential election.

  • The Corn & Miniter Show, featuring David Corn, Richard Miniter, and dozens of oysters on the half-shell.
  • Steve Green of VodkaPundit and Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom, with their unique take on the candidates and their foibles.

  • And host Bill Bradley on the state–precarious and otherwise–of the candidates’ finances.

  • Produced by yours truly. And yes, my voice was shot this week.
  • And for extended “Director’s Cut” podcast versions of several of this week’s segments, click here.

    Finally, if you missed our previous episodes of PJM Political, listen here.


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