Losing The Enlightenment

In his podcast interview on The Glenn & Helen Show (which yes, I tuned into largely because of this headline–thanks Allah!), Orson Scott Card said:

What does being liberal have to do with opposing or supporting the war against terror? Our enemies in the war against terror are so anti-liberal, that you would think it would be liberals leaping to protect the world from these monstrous ideologies. Everything that they accuse the Christian right of being, Al Qaeda is. And the Christian right, generally speaking, isn’t. But they can get all exercised about the pernicious, evil influence of Christianity in America, without thinking that, oh, maybe we could find it useful to oppose, with force, as has been required of us, the forces of radical Islam. It’s just regarded as being unrelated, when it is related. And then the things that are not related, they treat as if they were. It’s just maddening.


Victor Davis Hanson explores what happens when a civilization is too exhausted to continue:

Our current crisis is not yet a catastrophe, but a real loss of confidence of the spirit. The hard-won effort of the Western Enlightenment of some 2,500 years that, along with Judeo-Christian benevolence, is the foundation of our material progress, common decency, and scientific excellence, is at risk in this new millennium.

But our newest foes of Reason are not the enraged Athenian democrats who tried and executed Socrates. And they are not the Christian zealots of the medieval church who persecuted philosophers of heliocentricity. Nor are they Nazis who burned books and turned Western science against its own to murder millions en masse.

No, the culprits are now more often us. In the most affluent, and leisured age in the history of Western civilization–never more powerful in its military reach, never more prosperous in our material bounty–we have become complacent, and then scared of the most recent face of barbarism from the primordial extremists of the Middle East.

What would a beleaguered Socrates, a Galileo, a Descartes, or Locke believe, for example, of the moral paralysis in Europe? Was all their bold and courageous thinking–won at such a great personal cost–to allow their successors a cheap surrender to religious fanaticism and the megaphones of state-sponsored fascism?

Just imagine in our present year, 2006: plan an opera in today’s Germany, and then shut it down. Again, this surrender was not done last month by the Nazis, the Communists, or kings, but by the producers themselves in simple fear of Islamic fanatics who objected to purported bad taste. Or write a novel deemed unflattering to the Prophet Mohammed. That is what did Salman Rushdie did, and for his daring, he faced years of solitude, ostracism, and death threats–and in the heart of Europe no less. Or compose a documentary film, as did the often obnoxious Theo Van Gogh, and you may well have your throat cut in “liberal” Holland. Or better yet, sketch a simple cartoon in postmodern Denmark of legendary easy tolerance, and then go into hiding to save yourself from the gruesome fate of a Van Gogh. Or quote an ancient treatise, as did Pope Benedict, and then learn that all of Christendom may come under assault, and even the magnificent stones of the Vatican may offer no refuge–although their costumed Swiss Guard would prove a better bulwark than the European police. Or write a book critical of Islam, and then go into hiding in fear of your life, as did French philosophy teacher Robert Redeker.

And we need not only speak of threats to free speech, but also the tangible rewards from a terrified West to the agents of such repression. Note the recent honorary degree given to former Iranian President, Mohammad Khatami, whose regime has killed and silenced so many, and who himself is under investigation by the Argentine government for his role in sponsoring Hezbollah killers to murder dozens of Jewish innocents in Buenos Aires.


Read the rest. And don’t miss the rest of the Orson Scott Card podcast. You’ll hear many of the themes that we’ve addressed in various posts over the years here repeated and amplified brilliantly by Card, who sounds like a terrific interviewee.

Update: In regards to the above YouTube clip, which I found the other day on the Pajamas homepage, Libertas writes, “Hey, Hollywood, Over Here


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