"Republican Whore": A T-Shirt Slogan Is Born

P.J. O’Rourke once wrote a well-known book titled Parliament of Whores, but Minnesota’s attorney general appears to be taking the title just a little too seriously, Power Line writes:


Here in Minnesota, Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty is locked in a tight re-election battle against Attorney General Mike Hatch. By any normal standard, Pawlenty’s record is fantastic, and he is a highly talented politician who should have no trouble gaining a second term. But this year, it’s not easy for any Republican running in a state like Minnesota.

Hatch has been around for a long time, and he reminds me a bit of Richard Nixon. Hatch is reasonably able, but seems ill-suited to politics. He is not very likable, frankly, and seems to struggle constantly to restrain his volcanic temper. Yesterday, Hatch may have doomed his long-cherished hope to become governor when, in a burst of anger, he called a reporter from the Duluth newspaper a “Republican whore.”

As John Hinderaker adds, “I just realized I forgot to explain the title of this post. The reporter whom Hatch called a ‘Republican whore’ is a man. If it had been a woman, the race would be over”.

Those Shirts, or some enterprising blogger with a Cafe Press account could have a lot of fun with Hatch’s hiccup.


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