The Reactionary Media

I’ve linked several times to Radley Balko’s post on “The Conservative Left“, because its a great meme, but the specific example that Radley used is worth repeating:


You know, you sometimes get the feeling the day after the polio vaccine was invented, today’s left would have run editorials lamenting the good ol’ days, when we were a little more cautious about what swimming pools we jumped into, and expressing sadness that we’d now have no new stories about the afflicted overcoming their disability to inspire the rest of us.

I’m not kidding. They’re that resistant to change. Every mill that shuts down is a “sign of our sad times.” No matter that the new mill will do things better, faster and cheaper than the old one. New farming techniques grow more food on less land. But dammit, if there wasn’t something romantic about the old-stye “family farm” that’s deserving of government protection. Innovation isn’t celebrated, it’s excoriated for displacing some idealized vision of the way things once were. In matters of progress and dyanmism, the left is far more conservative than the conservatives are.


And this time, as The illustrates today, instead of reporting on a family farm or antediluvian steel mill, it’s legacy media journalists themselves who feel threated by the rise of Craigslist, a sprawling regional Internet help wanted/classified ad/personals BBS:

Well, I suppose self-pity and bellyaching and sour grapes coming from a dead-tree media outlet over the success of a slick and widely-loved new media outfit like Craigslist really doesn


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